Toxic Avenger, The Lyrics
- Who Will Save New Jersey?
- Jersey Girl
- Get the Geek
- Kick Your Ass
- My Big French Boyfriend
- Thank God She's Blind
- Big Green Freak
- Choose Me, Oprah!
- Hot Toxic Love
- The Legend of the Toxic Avenger
- Evil is Hot
- Bitch/Slut/Liar/Whore
- Everybody Dies!
- You Tore My Heart Out
- All Men Are Freaks
The Chase
Hot Toxic Love (reprise)
- A Brand New Day in New Jersey
This production is a rock musical. It's based upon the movie with the same title, which has been shot in 1984 by M. Herz and L. Kaufman. Joe DiPietro made an adaptation of scenario. Together with David Bryan, who was a composer, they wrote lyrics for the production. The first director became J. Rando. Premier took place at George Street Playhouse in 2008. Before the official opening, there were several previews in October the same year. The leading roles were given to N. Cordero, A. Blaser and N. Opel. The latest played both a mayor and the mother of the main character.
The premier in NY City was in 2009. It happened at New World Stages. Actors in the cast were the same – S. Chase, M. Saldivar, N. Cordero, D. Green and N. Opel. The performances lasted for almost a year. There were 300 displays. The show was closed in order to go for tour across the country. In 2009, Toronto version of this staging appeared. The opening was at Danforth Music Hall. The production was directed by J. Rando again. Dancap Productions produced the musical. E. A. Smith, D. A. Herbert, L. Pitre, J. McKnight and B. Gray received leading roles in this spectacle. Another show took place in Texas at Alley Theatre in 2012. C. Maroulis, N. Opel and M. Davi were among the cast.
In 2013, this histrionics managed to reach Hawaii and was staged at Theater of Manoa Valley. Displays lasted for a couple of weeks. In 2016, the performance was revived. There were spectacles in such big cities as Melbourne (Australia) and London (the UK). The latest opening happened in Los Angeles. The producer was Alejandro Patiño. It happened during Hollywood Festival with support from the Company of Good People Theater. Janet Miller was chosen to be a director and a choreographer. J. Reed, K. Dalton, S. Hatton, W. Tunison and D. Fetter starred in the musical.
Release date: 2009
Last Update:July, 18th 2016