Belly Up To The Bar, Boys lyrics
Belly Up To The Bar, Boys
Belly up to the bar, boys
By Meredith Willson
Bel-ly up, bel-ly up to the bar, boys
Bet-ter loos-en your belts
On-ly drink when you?re all a-lone or with some-bod-y else
Bel-ly up, bel-ly up to the bar, boys
Ver-y good f? your mind
Both feet on the rail
Will make you fall on your
Be-hi-dle, dee-dle die-dy
Like the girl whose name was Nel-lie
Though Nel-lie was kiss-ing ev-?ry bod-y else
I had to mar-ry Nel-lie
Or die, die, die
Had to mar-ry Nel-lie or die, die, die
When she learned how hun-gry I feel
She re-fused to fix me a meal
Then she saw my Sil-ver Hill claim
Now she cooks for noth-in? just to wear my name
Bel-ly up, bel-ly up to the bar, boys
Let your mon-ey be seen
On-ly drink by day or night
Or some-wheres in be-tween
Bel-ly up, bel-ly up to the bar, boys
Ev-?ry-bod-y say yes
Drink one down to the wid-ow in town
Who sure-ly is a mess-en-ger of hope and char-i-ty
Al-ways called her Car-rie
She car-ried her charms to ev-?ry-bod-y else
But her I had to mar-ry, or die, die, die
Had to mar-ry Car-rie or die, die, die
When she saw how ug-ly I am
She yelled out for her cous-in Sam
When she learned how kind I can be
She tried to shoot her cous-in down and mar-ry me
Last Update: July, 20th 2014