Belly Up To The Bar, Boys lyrics - Unsinkable Molly Brown, The

Cover for Unsinkable Molly Brown, The album
Album lyrics:
  1. Act 1
  2. Overture
  3. I Ain't Down Yet
  4. Belly Up To The Bar, Boys
  5. I've A'Ready Started In I've A'Ready Started In Video
  6. I'll Never Say No
  7. My Own Brass Bed 
  8. The Denver Police The Denver Police Video
  9. Beautiful People Of Denver Beautiful People Of Denver Video
  10. Are You Sure? 
  11. I Ain't Down Yet (Reprise) I Ain't Down Yet (Reprise) Video
  12. Act 2
  13. Happy Birthday, Mrs. J.J. Brown Happy Birthday, Mrs. J.J. Brown Video
  14. Bon Jour (The Language Song) Bon Jour (The Language Song) Video
  15. If I Knew If I Knew Video
  16. Chick-A-Pen 
  17. Keep-A-Hoppin' 
  18. Up Where The People Are 
  19. Dolce Far Niente Dolce Far Niente Video
  20. Colorado, My Home Colorado, My Home Video
  21. My Own Brass Bed

Belly Up To The Bar, Boys lyrics

Belly Up To The Bar, Boys

Belly up to the bar, boys
By Meredith Willson
Bel-ly up, bel-ly up to the bar, boys
Bet-ter loos-en your belts
On-ly drink when you?re all a-lone or with some-bod-y else
Bel-ly up, bel-ly up to the bar, boys
Ver-y good f? your mind
Both feet on the rail
Will make you fall on your
Be-hi-dle, dee-dle die-dy
Like the girl whose name was Nel-lie
Though Nel-lie was kiss-ing ev-?ry bod-y else
I had to mar-ry Nel-lie
Or die, die, die
Had to mar-ry Nel-lie or die, die, die
When she learned how hun-gry I feel
She re-fused to fix me a meal
Then she saw my Sil-ver Hill claim
Now she cooks for noth-in? just to wear my name
Bel-ly up, bel-ly up to the bar, boys
Let your mon-ey be seen
On-ly drink by day or night
Or some-wheres in be-tween
Bel-ly up, bel-ly up to the bar, boys
Ev-?ry-bod-y say yes
Drink one down to the wid-ow in town
Who sure-ly is a mess-en-ger of hope and char-i-ty
Al-ways called her Car-rie
She car-ried her charms to ev-?ry-bod-y else
But her I had to mar-ry, or die, die, die
Had to mar-ry Car-rie or die, die, die
When she saw how ug-ly I am
She yelled out for her cous-in Sam
When she learned how kind I can be
She tried to shoot her cous-in down and mar-ry me

Last Update: July, 20th 2014

> > > Belly Up To The Bar, Boys
Musical: Unsinkable Molly Brown, The. Song: Belly Up To The Bar, Boys. Broadway musical soundtrack lyrics. Song lyrics from theatre show/film are property & copyright of their owners, provided for educational purposes