December the Twenty-Fifth lyrics - Scrooge

Cover for Scrooge album
Album lyrics:
  1. Act 1
  2. Overture
  3. Sing a Christmas Carol
  4. M.O.N.E.Y M.O.N.E.Y Video
  5. Christmas Children
  6. Father Christmas
  7. I Hate People
  8. Make the Most of this World
  9. It's Not my Fault! 
  10. Sing A Christmas Carol (Reprise) 
  11. December the Twenty-Fifth
  12. Happiness
  13. You...You
  14. Love While You Can 
  15. It's Not My Fault (Reprise) 
  16. I Like Life
  17. Act 2
  18. The Milk of Human Kindness The Milk of Human Kindness Video
  19. The Beautiful Day
  20. The Minister's Cat
  21. Happiness (Reprise)
  22. A Better Life
  23. Thank You Very Much
  24. The Beautiful Day (Reprise) 
  25. I'll Begin Again
  26. Finale Finale Video
  27. I'll Begin Again (Reprise) 
  28. Curtain Calls 
  29. Thank You Very Much (Reprise) Thank You Very Much (Reprise) Video

December the Twenty-Fifth lyrics

December the Twenty-Fifth

Mr. Fezziwig
Of all the days in all the year
That I'm familiar with
There's only one that's really fun

December the twenty-fifth!

Mr. Fezziwig

Mrs. Fezziwig
Ask anyone called Robinson
Or Brown, or Jones, or Smith,
Their favorite day and they will say

December the twenty-fifth!

Mrs. Fezziwig

December the twenty-fifth, m'dears
December the twenty-fifth
The dearest day in all the year
December the twenty-fifth!

Mr. Fezziwig and Mrs. Fezziwig

Mr. Fezziwig
At times we're glad to see the back
Of all our kin and kith

Mrs. Fezziwig
But there's a date we celebrate

December the twenty-fifth!

Mr. Fezziwig

Mrs. Fezziwig
At times our friends may seem to be
Devoid of wit and pith

Mr. Fezziwig
But all of us are humorous

December the twenty-fifth!

Mrs. Fezziwig

December the twenty-fifth m'dears
December the twenty-fifth
The dearest day in all the year
December the twenty-fifth!

Mr. Fezziwig and Mrs. Fezziwig

December the twenty-fifth m'dears
December the twenty-fifth
The dearest day in all the year
December the twenty-fifth!

Mrs. Fezziwig
If there's one day in history
That's more than any myth
Beyond a doubt one day stands out

December the twenty-fifth!

Mrs. Fezziwig

Mr. Fezziwig and Mrs. Fezziwig
I don't hear any arguments
So may I say forthwith
I wish that everyday could be

December the twenty-fifth!

December the twenty-fifth m'dears
December the twenty-fifth
The dearest day in all the year
December the twenty-fifth m'dears
December the twenty-fifth m'dears
December the twenty-fifth m'dears
December the twenty-fifth!
Last Update: December, 11th 2013

> > > December the Twenty-Fifth
Musical: Scrooge. Song: December the Twenty-Fifth. Broadway musical soundtrack lyrics. Song lyrics from theatre show/film are property & copyright of their owners, provided for educational purposes