Pippin synopsis
Pippin Synopsis - Broadway musical
Narrator, accompanied by actors, dressed in attires of various historical periods, announces the present public that starting histrionics promises to be humorous, full of ups & downs, with a stunning finale. A youthful heir of the throne named Pippin, filled with higher meaning. A young man was searching own way in life so he conducted conversations with the scientists who inspired him to find his destiny. Later, he went to his father's castle, belonging to King Charles. However, father & son could not talk normally, as they were disturbed all the time by intrusive people striving for the attention of their ruler. The latter one also felt uncomfortable from communication with own son, who was over-educated for king’s brains. Heir of the throne has a stepmother, who has a narrow-minded son-warrior. The upcoming war with Visigoths was scheduled & the young man thought that this was his real chance to find oneself on the battlefield. After all, such military affairs might suit him.However, the young prince soon realizes that the war is not only the glory & the victory, but it is blood, violence & death. That’s why he ran from the battlefield & hided in the village. The audience’s attention once again takes narrator, telling about the wandering of prince, until he finally found refuge in the estate of his grandmother. Despite the fact that the grandmother has long been dwelling as an outcast, she has not lost her vitality. An old woman advises her grandson to enjoy life & to be a little careless. Using such an advice, the young man starts several frivolous romance novels. However, the realization that the relationship without deep love is empty, forces the young man to give up the idea to conduct such a carefree life.
Narrator advises the prince to begin to fight against tyranny, in particular, the brutal tyranny in the kingdom of his father. But in the kingdom, another evil is afoot: the queen is planning the murder of her husband & stepson & secretly hopes that her lover will become a king. However, its undertaking hasn’t come true, because Pippin kills his father & ascends to the throne.
The new king is desperately trying to please all the people who came to ask for his help & intercession. But soon the young king realizes that it is impossible to bring happiness to everyone, that this problem is beyond the power of either his father or himself. In any case, for someone ruler will remain a tyrant. The young king asks narrator to turn his father back to life, recognizing own mistakes & recklessness. King, after coming back to life, gently reproves the son for what he did & the young man again feels overwhelmed. But narrator inspires him to turn to art & religion. Suddenly, may it be a path that he should follow? However, as with military affair, the young man was disappointed with these ones.
In search of a new goal, the young prince wandered into a small village, where he met a young woman. He was watching at the everyday hard work of the peasants & understood that milking cows & sweeping the yard was not his vocation. Settling there for a short while, he eventually leaves the village, breaking the heart of his mistress.
After returning to his home, the young man finally realized that a modest peasant house was the only place where he was truly happy. Looking at his experience, recalling his desperate attempts to find true purpose, suddenly it comes clear for him that only a simple life without luxuries may be of a full capacity.
Last Update:March, 01st 2019