Do It The Hard Way lyrics
Do It The Hard Way
Fred Astaire once worked so hard he often lost his breath
And now he taps all other chaps to death
Working hard did not retard the young Cab Calloway
Now hear him blow his vo-de-o-do today
Do it the hard way and it's easy sailing
Do it the hard way and it's hard to lose
Only the soft way has a chance of failing
You have to choose
I took the hard way when I tried to get you
You took the soft way when you said, "We'll see"
Darling, now I'll let you do it the hard way
Now that you want me
Do it the hard way and it's easy sailing
Do it the hard way and it's hard to lose
Only the soft way has a chance of failing
You have to choose
Last Update: June, 28th 2013