Pal Joey synopsis
Pal Joey Synopsis - Broadway musical
The end of 1930s. Joey is a young singer/dancer with big dreams like having own club. He invented many variants how to receive what he wanted, but so far, none of them worked. Joey took a job of entertainer in the second-class nightclub. The young man began rehearsing with the chorus of girls and singer Gladys. Soon he met young Linda in the pet store. Rained down on her mountain of untrue things about his allegedly grand career, entertainer won the heart of a naive girl. Linda later this day went to a nightclub to see a young man. There also came a wealthy married woman Vera. When the woman showed her interest to guy, he behaved insolently and insulting. Unused to such treatment, Vera left. The host of the cabaret was going to fire a guy, but he asked him to postpone the decision. The young man made a deal with the owner if Vera would not be back in a few days, he would leave work, without taking payment. Becoming a witness of rude behavior of Joey, Linda left the nightclub. Vera no longer appeared in the club, and entertainer was fired.After the incident, Linda stopped to answer the phone when Joey called. The young man decided to contact Vera. Calling a woman, he learned that his outrageous behavior made at her an indelible impression. Vera decided to have an affair with Joey. She settled her lover into a good apartment, where there were many expensive clothes. Going for regular shopping, Vera and Joey faced with Linda. A girl was very confused because of this meeting and a married woman started to be jealous to her lover. Vera has performed a dream of Joey and gave him a nightclub. The young man thought that popularity and fame would soon fall on him. Ladies of the Chorus and singers from the old club moved to Joey. During the rehearsal of numbers, that should have sounded at the opening of the nightclub, the reporter took from the young man an interview. A former lover of the singer Gladys went up to Joey also. The man introduced himself as an agent and gave him to sign the papers. Not paying much attention, the young man signed them. He did not realize that now he would lose the rights to his place.
Linda knew plans of Gladys and her former lover. They were hoping by papers signed by the young man, to blackmail married Vera, her husband and Joey himself. Linda phoned the woman, but at first, she did not believe her. Vera began to find out, what relationship associates Joey with this girl. The young man was forced to defend himself. Faced with Linda, a married woman realized that a girl genuinely worried about her. After talking, they came to the conclusion that Joey is not as good as they thought. Vera called to a friend who worked in the police, and the Commissioner arrested blackmailers soon. The woman stopped her relationship with Joey, and ceased to finance his nightclub. The young man decided to start meet Linda again. Soon he reappeared at the pet store, which took their acquaintance. When a girl invited the young man to dine with her family, Joey refused. Stating that she hopes to see him again eventually, Linda left the young man. Joey was left alone.
Last Update:May, 16th 2016