Little Women synopsis
Little Women Synopsis - Broadway musical
The year is 1866. Josephine March gets long-awaited notice from the publisher. But, as so many times before, failure expects for her, which is already 22th in the row. Jo does not understand the reasons for such skeptical attitude toward her creation. She decides to seek help from another guest of inn-house of where she stays – Professor Bhaer. Last one not experiences much pleasure from reading the work of the protagonist. Bhaer makes girl a remark about the presence of too much cruelty in her work. The professor is confident that Jo is able to create something much better. But this woman isn’t happy with such an answer. He was very angry & asked a man, that he has no right to judge her. Bhaer quite calmly reacted & said Jo that he only expressed his opinion that she needed to hear so much.Once left alone, Josephine asked herself same question: does all stories of her are like this? But then she recalled past life in Massachusetts. She considers that maybe works of that time were better for the public. This might be logical because in those works, the impact of the civil war, its cruelty & violence, practically wasn’t felt.
Musical carried the beholders three years back. Young Josephine gathers own siblings in the attic of her living house, telling them plans to show the Operatic Tragedy. This shall be the 1st creation of our author. Siblings try to dissuade the main character from this, arguing that now is the wrong time. However, she insists that this work must definitely become a real hit that’ll provide them the finest Christmas time. Her mom comes to girls saying that she had just received a scroll from her husband – Civil War’s participant, fighting on the side of the North. In response, she wrote him that he has no idea how harsh it is to govern the family without man’s hand.
Aunt March, the richest among her siblings, asks Jo to abandon her boyish style & to become more feminine, as the representative of the high society should be. Aunt tells her that she has plans to take her to Europe. Jo enjoys the news & tries as much as possible to ask Mrs. March of upcoming trip. However, the woman does not intend to conduct further conversation until the niece begins to change. Jo immediately gets to work on herself, because seeing the Old World has always been her greatest dream. Meanwhile, Meg’s dream also comes true: she & the main character invited to the celebration on Valentine's Day Ball. The girls begin to prepare to it. Meg asks mom how to behave if one of the potential suitors asks her to dance. Mother says daughter that she just needs to smile & reply “with pleasure”. With the arrival of Josephine at the ball, story of musical begins to take very interesting character, more action begins & emotions coupled with the excellent acting & play gives the viewer a truly unrivaled experience.
Last Update:April, 21st 2016