George M! synopsis

Cover for George M! album
Album lyrics:
  1. Act 1
  2. Musical Moon 
  3. Oh, You Wonderful Boy 
  4. All Aboard For Broadway 
  5. Musical Comedy Man Musical Comedy Man Video
  6. I Was Born in Virginia
  7. Twentieth Century Love Twentieth Century Love Video
  8. My Town My Town Video
  9. Billie Billie Video
  10. Push Me Along In My Push Cart 
  11. Ring To The Name Of Rose
  12. Popularity
  13. Give My Regards To Broadway
  14. Act 2
  15. Forty-Five Minutes From Broadway
  16. So Long, Mary
  17. Down By The Erie
  18. Mary
  19. All Our Friends All Our Friends Video
  20. Yankee Doodle Dandy
  21. Nellie Kelly I Love You
  22. Harrigan
  23. Over There
  24. You're A Grand Old Flag
  25. The City 
  26. I'd Rather Be Right 
  27. Dancing Our Worries Away 
  28. The Great Easter Sunday Parade 
  29. Hannah's a Hummer 
  30. Barnum and Bailey Rag 
  31. The Belle of the Barber's Ball 
  32. The American Ragtime The American Ragtime Video
  33. All in the Wearing 
  34. I Want to Hear a Yankee Doodle Tune 

George M! synopsis

George M! Synopsis - Broadway musical

The musical tells about the part of the biography of George M. Cohan, who is an American producer, dancer, singer & actor.

The young boy takes part in the moving vaudeville performance named "The Four Cohans". George is alone with his family, Jeremiah and Helen Cohan, and sister Josephine. That can be considered the beginning of his future career in show business. By reaching twenty years, G. Cohan together with his family moves to C. Rapids in Iowa to act at the Columbia theatre.

The family is auditioned with Edward Franklin Albee, who is the impresario, but his proposal doesn’t leave them satisfied & so George arranges their performance at the New York’s Adams Street Theatre. Soon he marries a singer, whom he met in this place – Ethel Levey.

Now George has the intention to change vaudeville family act to musical comedy. Unfortunately, he fails with his first show named The Governor's Son. However, George, never giving up, makes his next work (Little Johnny Jones). The loose of trust disappears when he begins to sing "Give My Regards to Broadway". It was this song, which made him a star.

Making a career move, he becomes a producer. An American actress and singer, Fay Templeton, takes part in their show and, at the same time, many of Cohan's legendary songs are written down. However, things don’t go swimmingly in his private life. His wife is disappointed with him and soon the couple is divorced. Later he marries one more time. His second wife is Agnes Nolan – one of the Little Johnny Jones performers. Together they write some songs, which later become very popular.

However, George loses relatives, and there are also some changes with Broadway connected with the unionizing of the actors. As a result, he quits the stage for a long time. Eventually, he is offered to act in one play and he accepts the proposal. Cohan’s style is outdated, though, and besides, he is used to be the head, but not just one of the actors.

Being alone on the stage, he remembers the past. Together with his wife, he sings "Yankee Doodle Dandy" and leaves the theatre.
Last Update:April, 06th 2016

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Broadway musical soundtrack lyrics. Song lyrics from theatre show/film are property & copyright of their owners, provided for educational purposes