Chorus Line, A synopsis
Chorus Line, A Synopsis - Broadway musical
The play shows the selection of candidates for some kind of dance performance combining the group of 4 men and the same number of women who are selected from all present. Selector wants to hear the 17 candidates talk about themselves and their lives so they begin.Candidates open during the auditioning differently, first expressing bewilderment and displeasure with the strange interviewing process. Some is small at height and reflects upon this occasion. Someone remembers how he started dancing young because of love to the female body, and someone replaced his sister in the dancing class, and remained in her place forever. Other found the dance escaping from the grim reality where there was no love in the family; and another was hated by her husband because she did not distinguished shades of the sound of musical instruments and dancing became her salvation.
One of the participants named Cassie was the most experience among the participants and was already familiar with the interviewer – Zach, who in the course of conversation with her said that she was too experienced for this and her place is in the solo work. But she answered him that could not be realized as a solo dancer, and therefore wanted to express hers passion for dancing at least in the group. He agrees, and all participants are sent to learn the next music number for the forthcoming phase of the audition.
One of the participants named Paul said that he was a homosexual, and all of his entourage did not accept him, constantly mocking and humiliating. He even cried on stage and Zack comforted him. Next, the audience learns that Cassie and Zach had a long relationship, which ended unsuccessfully, and they are in the process of audition and dancing reflect on the subject and on the reasons why they did not work out. He asks Cassie, if that what she wants in the future – to become indistinguishable mass of the crowd dancing in the same troupe? She does not answer directly, starting to defense the rest of the troupers, saying they all are beautiful, and each of them is amazing.
One of the dancers, Paul, hurts his knee and taken to a hospital. People remain very nervous about such a surprise and worry that their careers may end the same untraceable and they will never be able to dance. Then the final 8 dancers are selected and Cassie is among them. Once everyone is dressed in the same costumes, the dancers become truly indistinguishable from each other and each person just blend in with the ensemble crowd.
Last Update:April, 06th 2016