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Kitchen Fight Lyrics > Caroline, or Change

Kitchen Fight Lyrics

She was doing fine out there.

This ain?t none of your affair, Dot.
You can?t talk to folk like that.

Talk to white folk what you mean.

Lord I raised a spoiled brat.
They your boss! You can?t a queen,
gonna get yourself knocked flast,
you mouth off around white folk like that.

You tippy-toe till you been paid.
You the spoiled on! A maid!
I?ll never be a queen, that?st rue,
but I?m a damn sigh better?n prouder?n you!
Come on, teach me what you know!
Mama teach me what you know!
How to keep my head tucked low.
Come on, come on
teach me what you know!
Mama teach?

Watch your mouth now, little sister.
You too smart to act a fool.
Proud don?t talk trash to her mother.

You got plans, you go to school.
What she got? Only angry, always
fussin, always shushin me.

Ain?t seen you lackin food to eat,
roof above, shoes on your feet.
You watch your pride ain?t just conceit.
Think bein a maid what she prefer?

Attention! Noah!

Go on, make things like they were.
Apologize to her.

Now comes your gift! Something handy:
Chanukah Gelt, for real, not candy!
A twenty dollar bill!

Oh my!

Last Update: June, 10th 2013

Caroline, or Change Lyrics

  1. Disc 1:
  2. 16 Feet Beneath the Sea
  3. The Radio
  4. Laundry Quintet
  5. Noah Down The Stairs
  6. The Cigarette
  7. Laundry Finish
  8. The Dryer
  9. I Got Four Kids
  10. Caroline, There's Extra Food
  11. There Is No God, Noah
  12. Rose Stopnick Can Cook
  13. Long Distance
  14. Dotty and Caroline
  15. Moon Change
  16. Moon Trio
  17. The Bus
  18. That Can't Be
  19. Noah And Rose
  20. Inside/Outside
  21. JFK
  22. Duets: No One Waitin'
  23. Duets: 'Night Mamma
  24. Duets: Gonna Pass Me A Law
  25. Duets: Noah Go To Sleep
  26. Noah Has A Problem
  27. Stuart And Noah
  28. Quarter In The Bleach Cup
  29. Caroline Take My Money Home
  30. Roosevelt Petrucius Coleslaw
  31. Disc 2:
  32. Santa Comin' Caroline
  33. Little Reward
  34. 1943
  35. Mr. Gellman's Shirt
  36. Ooh Child
  37. Rose Recovers
  38. I Saw Three Ships
  39. The Chanukah Party
  40. Dotty And Emmie
  41. I Don't Want My Child To Hear That
  42. Mr. Stopnick And Emmie
  43. Kitchen Fight
  44. A Twenty Dollar Bill And Why
  45. I Hate the Bus
  46. Moon, Emmie And Stuart Trio
  47. The Twenty Dollar Bill
  48. Caroline And Noah Fight
  49. Aftermath
  50. Sunday Morning
  51. Lot's Wife
  52. Salty Teardrops
  53. Why Does Our House Have A Basement?
  54. Underwater
  55. Epilogue

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