Out of Your Head lyrics - Bronx Tale

Cover for Bronx Tale album
Album lyrics:
  1. Act 1
  2. Belmont Avenue 
  3. Look to Your Hear 
  4. Roll 'Em 
  5. I Like It
  6. Giving Back the Money 
  7. I Like It (Reprise) 
  8. Ain't It The Truth 
  9. Out of Your Head
  10. Nicky Machiavelli
  11. These Streets 
  12. Act 2
  13. Webster Avenue 
  14. Out of Your Head (Reprise)
  15. One of the Great Ones
  16. Ain't It The Truth (Reprise) 
  17. Look to Your Heart (Reprise) 
  18. One of the Great Ones (Reprise) 
  19. Hurt Someone 
  20. In a World Like This 
  21. The Choices We Make 

Out of Your Head lyrics

Out of Your Head

That girl right there
Am I the only one who see
Those lips, that hair
Those eyes that knock me to my knees
Don't look at her
They find out, they'll laugh at you
For sure

What's it matter?
She's not one of us
And you're just...
Out of your head if you think that this ever could be
You're dreaming
Go back to bed, you're out of your head
Girls like her don't happen to guys like me

That boy right there
I see him everywhere I go
He smiles, I stare
Could it be more, I just don't know

No. Don't be stupid

Told myself a million times before

No. Don't be foolish

He is not your kind
And you're just..
Out of your head if you think that this ever could be
You're dreaming
Go back to bed, you're out of your head
Boys like him don't happen

And you're just...
Out of your head if you think that this ever could be
You're dreaming
Go back to bed, you're out of your head

Boys like him don't happen to girls like me


Girls like her don't happen to guys like me


Things like this don't happen

And then she's there
The chance would never come again
I say a prayer
Take one deep breathe and count to ten
Then I know it
Something tells me she must feels the same
C don't blow it
Simply ask her name

I must be out of my head
But I've gotten as bad as can be
God help me. She's so fine
But it's crossing a line

Girls like her don't happen
Girls like her can't happen
Girls like her don't happen to guys like me
Last Update: June, 24th 2017

> > > Out of Your Head
Musical: Bronx Tale. Song: Out of Your Head. Broadway musical soundtrack lyrics. Song lyrics from theatre show/film are property & copyright of their owners, provided for educational purposes