Adrift In Macao synopsis
Adrift In Macao Synopsis - Broadway musical
Macau is the capital of one of the plurality of administrative districts in China. In the plot of this comedic performance, a few heroes fly to Macao to make some own businesses there. Blonde, which is displayed on a poster, in fact, is not present in the play – all the ladies out there are with black hair. But during the plot, some blond, very curvaceous (like the definition given in the play, but in fact, in the musical there are 3 ladies with very fluffy forms – and two of them aren’t totally appetizing, as suggested by the word – curvaceous – and only one there which may fall under this definition), has found a new job – to play in a nightclub, serendipitously met a club’s owner, with whom she flashily signed a working contract. The reason for signing the contract – that she supposedly looked very tempting in a skin-tight dress, but it wasn’t delivered to the audience in the play.Then some American named Mitch appears on the scene, who is hiding from justice due to the fact that he killed a certain person in US. This is probably why he hides on the territory, where the jurisdiction of USA does not reach. Although the USA and China cooperate in the legal matter – so he had to lay down on some other place.
In the play, all dressed in leather coats and sing. They say that this is a comedy that should appeal to everyone, but this claim looks more like an advertising.
Last Update:April, 06th 2016