Shout! review
Shout! Review - Broadway musical
There are many categories of musicals: one suitable for children, other – for adults. Some projects are created for men, some – for women. This spectacular is clearly expressed by the representatives of the women group. Its whole idea, dialogues, plot, and events worked out to cause the interest of the beautiful part of population. Due to what it was achieved? First of all, the show says things that excite every girl. It eliminates the presence of hidden ideas, arcane promises, and similar hard themes. Through dialogues and solo performances of main characters, the creators voice traditional women's issues related to home, children and, of course, relationships with men. Such simplicity has always been topical and aroused high interest among the female audience. This fact explains the high popularity of low-budget off-Broadway production.The performance is characterized by a non-standard manner of narration. It is a case of spectacular, in which the songs takes more part than the natural dialogues between the protagonists. Of course – it is a musical show, after all! So the main criterion during casting for roles in the project was singing before acting. Without exception, all actresses have great vocal data, which resulted in the emergence of several iconic songs such as ‘I Only Want To Be With You’, ‘You Don’t Have To Say To Love Me’. Special attention also deserves an original interpretation of the James Bond Theme.
The scene is devoid of any tacky elements. But at the same time, it is made in bright colors, highlighting the features of the female nature. The heroines are dressed in gowns of one or two tones, the tinge of which is fully consistent with their name. Changes are made only in the style of clothing, not hue. Thus, The Scarlet Girl is wearing a short youthful dress. As for the older women, long and rigorous ones observed on them (if such a determination is suitable for bright color). The project is interesting and deserves attention if only because of its unusual style and originality. It is similar to ‘Menopause’ by K. Lindsey.
Last Update:July, 13th 2016