Cover for My Favorite Year album
Album lyrics:
  1. Act 1
  2. Twenty Million People
  3. Larger than Life
  4. The Musketeer Sketch The Musketeer Sketch Video
  5. Rookie In The Ring
  6. Manhattan Manhattan Video
  7. Naked In Bethesda Fountain 
  8. The Gospel According To King The Gospel According To King Video
  9. The Musketeer Sketch Rehearsal The Musketeer Sketch Rehearsal Video
  10. Funny/The Duck Joke Funny/The Duck Joke Video
  11. The Musketeer Sketch Rehearsal Part II 
  12. Welcome to Brooklyn Welcome to Brooklyn Video
  13. If the World Were Like The Movies
  14. Act 2
  15. Exits
  16. Shut Up and Dance Shut Up and Dance Video
  17. Professional Showbizness Comedy Professional Showbizness Comedy Video
  18. Maxford House Maxford House Video
  19. The Musketeer Sketch Finale The Musketeer Sketch Finale Video
  20. My Favorite Year 

My Favorite Year review

My Favorite Year Review - Broadway musical

Musicals managed to win several major theater awards including Tony, Theater World & Drama Desk. In particular, actress A. Martin has been awarded with two prizes at once. The reaction of critics was not so supportive. Columnist of The New York Times F. Rich called this creation a missed opportunity to glue a truly high-quality comedy. According to him, the show looks very noisy and has a relatively flat music. A similar idea expressed in publication of Time Magazine, briefly describing the production as barren Broadway musical.

Many people wonder why despite the existence of numerous awards and nominations the musical has rather weak ratings. The main reason – the creators of this project tried to fit it in the frames of film of 1982. But the movie and the scene are different art forms, which need separate approaches. At the disposal of the movie, it was one of the best actors of the 20th century, Peter O'Toole, with his incredible charisma and skills. There was much less opportunities in spectacular. But at the same time, it should be noted that the absence of a vivid artist has given a chance to prove themselves the rest of the actors. Andrea Martin managed to receive two prestigious awards. L. Kazan perfectly played a role, but she had not been able to get the cherished statuette – she landed with the nomination only.

It is evident that the director R. Lagomarsino in most episodes preferred to use the whole cast. One or two artists on the stage appear rarely. This can be seen only in the middle of the musical, at the time of meeting of Benjy and Swann. In the rest of the scenes dominates mass usage of a variety of images, scenery, choreography and vocal elements from a pile of actors. All of this is manifested best during the execution of the composition ‘Twenty Million People’: there were more than 20 people on stage, singing and dancing. For such techniques, the creation received a considerable portion of criticism. However, this may be loved by fans of improvisation and welter on stage.

Musical accompaniment also causes mixed feelings. It sags quite often and that’s why it is really hard to understand the atmosphere on a scene. Therefore, comic component of production loses a lot. This is clearly illustrated by the song ‘The Duck Joke’. The latter was created in order to cause the sincere laughter, but eventually raised only a few smiles. The only bright moment of the show is the background music. During its creation, S. Flahery slightly shifted away from the main theme of the histrionics and added to it a certain touch of drama. As a result, piano composition named ‘Larger Than Life’ appeared. It is considered the main decoration of this ambiguous creation.
Last Update:May, 16th 2016

> > > My Favorite Year review
Broadway musical soundtrack lyrics. Song lyrics from theatre show/film are property & copyright of their owners, provided for educational purposes