The Tree lyrics - Me Nobody Knows, The

Cover for Me Nobody Knows, The album
Album lyrics:
  1. Act 1
  2. Dream Babies 
  3. Light Sings 
  4. This World This World Video
  5. Numbers  Numbers  Video
  6. What Happens to Life 
  7. Take Hold the Crutch Take Hold the Crutch Video
  8. Flying Milk and Runaway Plates 
  9. I Love What the Girls Have 
  10. How I Feel
  11. If I Had A Million Dollars If I Had A Million Dollars Video
  12. Act 2
  13. Fugue for Four Girls 
  14. Rejoice  
  15. Sounds Sounds Video
  16. The Tree
  17. Robert, Alvin, Wendell and Jo Jo Robert, Alvin, Wendell and Jo Jo Video
  18. Jail-Life Walk 
  19. Something Beautiful 
  20. Black 
  21. War Babies 
  22. Let Me Come In Let Me Come In Video

The Tree lyrics

The Tree

This man I know
Has an apple tree he's hoping will grow
day after day he waits
and what does he see?
Not one apple on the tree

This man I know
Works all winter
But the tree will not grow
Till late in Spring with still no Fruit to be found
He goes out to cut it down

Lo and behold
Like a miracle swept in from the sea
Lo and behold
There's a fog
So thick the man can't see
To cut the tree

Next morning he,
All excited he come runnin' to me,
Right there for all to see,
way up on a bough
Small and weak but hangin' on somehow
Is a baby apple now
Last Update: October, 30th 2014

Musical: Me Nobody Knows, The. Song: The Tree. Broadway musical soundtrack lyrics. Song lyrics from theatre show/film are property & copyright of their owners, provided for educational purposes