Joseph And The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat review
Joseph And The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat Review - Broadway musical
Staging is neither new nor has the originality. This story has been told a thousand times in a thousand ways since the birth of Christianity, but it is impossible to say that it has lost its relevance. Human vices have not changed for thousands of years: envy, fear, greed, hypocrisy, selfishness still remain. It is in all of us. But many people, unfortunately, forget that it is always with these qualities come to hand such ones as love, faith, compassion and hope.Some may just not know how to live differently. In our time, despite the fact that hunger and locust invasion not threatens anymore with mass extinction to nations, people still too often forget who they are, sticking the animal part of themselves inside out.
The original way of exhibition pleases the eye. The story that was told earlier as the teaching by elderly people, is presented now in a new light, fits the music right and told with well choreography and brilliant directing by Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice. They were inspired by this story and decided to put it on stage after their Jesus Christ – Superstar became a huge hit. So they took a chance. Not to say that the spectacular was at least a third part the same successful as the previously mentioned one, but just as many times have been viewed by the public for a year and a half of its time on Broadway.
Remarkable is the variety of musical styles in a play. French ballads, disco, rock and roll, jazz and others. They flow among each other perfectly. Each style meets certain costumes, changing on the actors, which only added to the flavor and vivacity of the show.
Last Update:April, 19th 2016
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