I Do! I Do! synopsis
I Do! I Do! Synopsis - Broadway musical
The musical represents nostalgic memoirs of a married couple. In fact, only two actors participate in this show. It is the touching nostalgic story created by T. Jones and H. Schmidt.The main characters are already people of mature age, who decide to remember the past. The musical begins with the scene showing a day of their wedding. Michael and Agnes swear to love each other until the end of their life. Then a viewer sees, how their further relations develop, the beginning of the marriage night, when both of them worry very much. After that, a family waits for replenishment: the wife becomes pregnant. Now the couple should try on an image of parents, and a viewer meets the difficulties of education together with the heroes. But the children grow, and once, they have to begin the private life and make their own family. Therefore, their children leave the couple. Now they have to learn, what means to live without them.
Any couple cannot avoid a crisis of the middle age. This problem has overtaken Michael and Agnes too. But the family copes with it. The man becomes successful in his career of a writer. Michael admits to the wife that he has not always been faithful to her. First, the woman becomes angry and takes offense at the husband. But then, she appreciates his honesty. Agnes understands that despite all problems, her husband is her support and the main man in her life. Because of that, she forgives him.
The old feelings flash in a couple again. They understand that they can't live without each other, and have to get older together. Meanwhile, their marriage exists for already 50 years. After such a long term of life together, the couple leaves the house in order to let the newlyweds (their daughter with her husband) live in it, perhaps, as happy as they did.
Last Update:April, 06th 2016