Fantasticks, The synopsis
Fantasticks, The Synopsis - Broadway musical
Sly fathers of families who live in the neighborhood, manipulate their already adult children (respectively a boy and a girl), so that they fell in love. They fake a long-standing feud, and their views on life are shown as completely different philosophy, which is reflected even in how to take care for the garden. The first says that the whole thing is in abundant irrigation, while the second states that in irrigating is important not to overdo it. As it turns out, it's pretty effective policy, since their children really fall in love and met secretly in the attic of their home, where their apartments located. One day, fathers develop genius, in their view, plan to hire a professional who would steal the daughter of one, while the son of second heroically saves her. This would put an end to their "feud", and they would love to have consented to the marriage of children. In addition, such an event will solidly pull together the future husband and wife. Generally, it would seem just a heaven on Earth.They hire some El Gallo and his disheveled henchman disguised as a Native American, to the kidnapping of those, and it should be on the highest level, not sparing anything for their children, neither in money nor in entertainment of the event. One evening, beloved were returning home, cooing, with allusions to the desire of physical contact between them and they were attacked by these two men. Young fellow heroically fights them off, protecting his girlfriend, and eventually attackers flee. Their parents come to the noise and simulate the scene of reconciliation and all embrace. El Gallo collects props scattered around the stage and go away with his partner.
Some time later, after the ban on meeting collapsed and the two families began to talk to each other in open, mutual quarrels and accusations begin to grow. Children try to recreate those sparks that were between them, whereas all find disadvantages of each other. One of the parents recognized that their feud and the theft of the bride were a fake and all start to curse each other, resulting in a fictional feud turned into tangible. The girl calls guy poseur, and he named her too childish. Guy hastily leaves the city and wandering for a long time without going back into it. The girl mope all day sitting at home doing nothing. Fathers, also sad for such a passage, reflect on the heaviness of child-rearing ("Plant a Radish").
A girl then falls in love with a mature and experienced bandit El Gallo, and in a burst of momentum, wants him to steal her and together they flee to see a big world. In front of the audience, various entertainment scenes begin to slip, then they fade. These two begin to plan departure on the same day and she goes after her belongings while El Gallo asks her neck chain as a pledge that she would return to him, and she gives it. Returning, she sees that a bandit ran away and she freezes in tears. While her beloved returned, catching her like that and comforting. As a result, these two realize that they have to be together and need each other more than they thought and more than all the adventures of the world. Their fathers are happy to welcome this news.
Last Update:April, 06th 2016