Cover for Best Little Whorehouse in Texas, The album
Album lyrics:
  1. Act 1
  2. 20 Fans
  3. A Lil' Ole Bitty Pissant Country Place
  4. Girl, You're A Woman
  5. Watch Dog Theme
  6. Texas Has A Whorehouse In It
  7. Twenty Four Hours Of Lovin' Twenty Four Hours Of Lovin' Video
  8. Doatsy Mae Doatsy Mae Video
  9. The Angelette March The Angelette March Video
  10. The Aggie Song The Aggie Song Video
  11. Act 2
  12. The Sidestep
  13. No Lies No Lies Video
  14. Good Old Girl
  15. Hard Candy Christmas
  16. The Bus From Amarillo The Bus From Amarillo Video
  17. Finale 

20 Fans lyrics

20 Fans


(opening monologue)

Oh the little house lay in a green Texas glade where the,
trees were as cooling as fresh lemonade.

Soft summer wind held a trace of perfume.
And a fan was turning in every room.

Twenty fans were turning
They were turning
Twenty fans were turning
In every room

Fevers were-a burning
The were burning
And they had to have-a
Way to cool down.

(spoken monologue)

It had nice watermelons all covered in vines.
And-a vegetable garden, a few slender pines.

White painted fence, with the roses in bloom.
And a fan was turning in every room

BANDLEADER (add chorus)
Twenty fans were humming
They were humming
Twenty fans were humming
In every room

Customers were coming
They were coming
And they had to have-a
Way to cool down.

(spoken monologue)

Twenty fans were turning
They were turning
Twenty fans were turning
In every room

Fevers were-a burning
They were burning
And they had to have-a
Way to cool down

Twenty fans were turning
They were turning
Twenty fans were turning
In every room

Customers were coming
They were coming
And they had to have-a
Way to cool down

Twenty fans were turning
They were turning
Twenty fans were turning
In every room

Fevers were-a burning
They were burning
And they had to have-a
Way to cool down

[Thanks to Kris Turner for lyrics]
Last Update: April, 26th 2015

Musical: Best Little Whorehouse in Texas, The. Song: 20 Fans. Broadway musical soundtrack lyrics. Song lyrics from theatre show/film are property & copyright of their owners, provided for educational purposes