Cover for Adventures of Tom Sawyer, The album
Album lyrics:
  1. Act 1
  2. Overture: Civilization
  3. Hey, Tom Sawyer 
  4. Here's my Plan Here's my Plan Video
  5. Smart like That! Smart like That! Video
  6. Hands all Clean 
  7. The Vow The Vow Video
  8. Raising A Child Raising A Child Video
  9. Old Hundred 
  10. In The Bible In The Bible Video
  11. It Just Ain't Me It Just Ain't Me Video
  12. To Hear You Say My Name
  13. Murrell's Gold 
  14. The Testimony The Testimony Video
  15. Act 2
  16. Ain't Life Fine Ain't Life Fine Video
  17. This Time Tomorrow This Time Tomorrow Video
  18. I Can Read I Can Read Video
  19. Murrell's Gold (Reprise) 
  20. Angels Lost Angels Lost Video
  21. Light Light Video
  22. Angels Lost (Reprise) 
  23. Light (Reprise) 
  24. Finale Finale Video

Adventures of Tom Sawyer, The cast

Adventures of Tom Sawyer, The Cast - Broadway musical

Music and Lyrics by Don Schlitz
Book by Ken Ludwig

Tom Sawyer - 10-year old, in love with Becky
Huckleberry Finn - A Charming Renegade, son of the town drunk
Aunt Polly - Tom's kind but stern aunt
Becky Thatcher - Tom's girlfriend
Amy Lawrence - In love with Tom, Tom's former girlfriend
Injun Joe - The villain
Miss Dobbins - The school teacher
Muff Potter - A local vagrant
Pap - The town drunk, and Huck's father
Reverend Sprague
Sid Sawyer - Tom's half-brother. An insufferable goody-goody tattletale
Widow Douglas - A kind, old woman who teaches Huck how to read
Alfred Temple- son of Gideon and a friend of Tom's
Benjamin Rogers - Joe Harper's best friend
Doc Robinson- The man murdered by Injun Jo
George Bellamy
Gideon Temple- Tom Sawyer's lawyer
Joe Harper - Tom's second best friend, and best friend of Benjamin Rogers
Judge Thatcher - Becky Thatcher's father, an old judge who just moved to Missouri
Mayor Lanyard Bellamy
Suzie Rogers
Lucy Harper
Jim Hollis
Last Update:April, 06th 2016

> > > Adventures of Tom Sawyer, The cast
Broadway musical soundtrack lyrics. Song lyrics from theatre show/film are property & copyright of their owners, provided for educational purposes