Say, Darling photos

Cover for Say, Darling album
Album lyrics:
  1. Act 1
  2. Try to Love Me 
  3. It's Doom 
  4. Husking Bee 
  5. Act 2
  6. It's the Second Time You Meet That Matters 
  7. Chief of Love 
  8. Let the Lower Lights Be Burning 
  9. Say, Darling 
  10. Carnival Song 
  11. Act 3
  12. Dance Only with Me 
  13. Something's Always Happening on the River 
  14. Finale 

Say, Darling photos

Say, Darling photo #0
Say, Darling photo #1
Say, Darling photo #2
Say, Darling photo #3
Say, Darling photo #4
> > > Say, Darling photos
Broadway musical soundtrack lyrics. Song lyrics from theatre show/film are property & copyright of their owners, provided for educational purposes