Rock Of Ages synopsis
Rock Of Ages Synopsis - Broadway musical
In 1987, Drew – a guy who dreamt of a career of rock star – is working as an assistant bartender in some Hollywood bar. A man experiences heart feelings to a young girl Sherrie. She recently went here from province, in hopes to become a famous singer. A boy in love convinces the bar owner to hire a girl as a waitress.In the city come Germans – father & son Klinemanns, who persuaded the local mayor to abandon the policy of ‘impurity, drugs & rock'n'roll’. They promote the idea of ‘pure life’ & are aimed on changing this city radically. When the bar owner discovers that beloved institution is to be demolished, he is struck by idea to invite on his stage heavy rock star Stacee with his gang Arsenal. He hopes that by doing so the bar will bring a good income & city officials are to refuse to destroy the building. At the same time, Drew is engaged in writing his own song, inspired by the support of Sherrie, who convinces him to follow his dream.
In a short time, a girl realizes that has to the guy deeper feelings than the usual sympathy. He won her heart, as he has supported her desire to become a famous singer. A young man invites a girl on a picnic in the mountains with beautiful views of Los Angeles. However, a date has not been destined to end in success, as nervous guy incorrectly assumed that they were just friends.
The leader of the group comes to the bar to give an interview before the performance. Sherrie was struck by his self-confidence & peace of mind & she, thinking that means nothing to Drew, indulges in the pleasures of the eminent rocker arms. He convinces the bar owner to fire the girl, but the band's guitarist, realizing what had happened, hits him in the face.
After performing at the opening act for the group, the assistant bartender gets an offer to conclude a contract with a famous producer. He accepted the offer without hesitation, especially after he saw his beloved & rocker together. Bar owner fires the waitress, seeing as she exits the dressing room of the rocker.
Depressed & unemployed girl meets the owner of a nearby club. He offers her dancer’s work in his establishment. Germans have managed to receive the permission to rebuild the club. In the new recording company Drew has also not everything smoothly, he is not satisfied with the actions of the producer & feels that he is not allowed to create music in the way as he wishes to. One day, a young man meets a girl, in which the was so passionately in love, but who betrayed him. This casual conversation was full of revelations: the girl is ashamed to admit that she is a striptease dancer & the young man shares his worries about the new label. She admits that she was crazy about him, but could not open her feelings, because a guy then said that they were just friends. The meeting clarified the important points & excited with this conversation, the young people separate each on own business.
Well-oiled team leader of Arsenal comes to the club where a girl dances. He invites her to dance, but at this time in the club comes Drew, sees his beloved with his rival & runs away angrily. However, the girl, feeling hatred for the rocker, hits him in the jaw, though her lover didn’t see it.
A girl decides to leave the club, as she was upset by what had happened between her & Drew. At the same time, the German philanthropist decides not to demolish, but to invest in the Bourbon Room Club.
Drew, saying goodbye to a producer who has not led him to fame, working as pizza guy. He did not become a rock star, neither Sherrie – a famous singer. Frustrated girl wants to leave the city as soon as possible, so she went to the train station. But suddenly the young man realizes that he does not need a dizzying career of a rock star to be happy. For him, it is enough to love & to be loved by Sherrie. Flushed, he rushes to the station, where stops the beloved girl. The couple realizes that their love is now shall pass all the tests, because they overcame so much.
Last Update:July, 12th 2016