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The Wedding Lyrics > Pirate Queen, The

The Wedding Lyrics

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May God bless
The bride and groom
May he bless them both
Their love to bloom

May He bind
Them Evermore
St. Patrick smile kind
Upon them both
And bless their union

May God bless
The bride and groom
On this day

(dance music)

May God bless
The bride and groom
On this day

(dance music)

May God bless
The bride and groom
May he bless them both
Their love to bloom

(The dancing reaches its climax and ends.)
Last Update: July, 02nd 2013

Pirate Queen, The Lyrics

  1. Act 1
  2. Prologue
  3. The Pirate Queen
  4. Woman
  5. My Grace
  6. Here On This Night
  7. The Waking Of the Queen
  8. Rah-Rah, Tip-Top
  9. The Choice Is Mine
  10. Boys'll Be Boys
  11. The Wedding
  12. I'll Be There
  13. A Day Beyond Belclare
  14. Sail To the Stars
  15. Act 2
  16. Entr'Acte
  17. Enemy At Port Side
  18. I Dismiss You
  19. If I Said I Loved You
  20. The Role Of the Queen
  21. The Christening
  22. Let a Father Stand By His Son
  23. Surrender
  24. She Who Has All
  25. The Sea Of Life
  26. Woman To Woman
  27. Finale

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