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Do I Hear A Waltz? Lyrics > Do I Hear A Waltz?

Do I Hear A Waltz? Lyrics

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Do I hear a waltz?
Very odd, but I hear a voice.
There isn't a band
And I don't understand it at all.
I can't hear a waltz,
Oh, my Lord, there it goes again!
Why is nobody dancing in the street?
Can't they hear the beat?
Magical, mystical, miracle,
Can it be?
Is it true?
Things are imposibly lyrical.
Is it me?
No, it's you!
I do hear a waltz
I see you and I hear a waltz!
It's what I've been waiting for all my life to hear a waltz!

Do I hear a waltz?
Oh, my dear, don't you hear a waltz?
Such love Blue Danubey music,
How can you be still?
You must hear a waltz!
Even strangers are dancing now:
An old lady is waltzing in her flat,
Waltzing with her cat.
Roses are dancing with peonies.
Yes, it's true!
Don't you see?
Ev'rything's suddenly Vienese,
Can't be you!
Must be me!
Do I hear a waltz?
I want more than to hear a waltz:
I want you to share it 'cause
Oh, boy, do I hear a waltz?
Last Update: June, 10th 2013

Do I Hear A Waltz? Lyrics

  1. Act 1
  2. Someone Woke Up
  3. This Week, Americans
  4. What Do We Do? We Fly!
  5. Someone Like You
  6. Bargaining
  7. Here We Are Again
  8. Thinking
  9. No Understand
  10. Take The Moment
  11. Act 2
  12. Moon In My Window
  13. We're Gonna Be All Right
  14. Do I Hear A Waltz?
  15. Stay
  16. Perfectly Lovely Couple
  17. Thank You So Much

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