Friends, The Best Of (Reprise) lyrics - Do Black Patent Leather Shoes Really Reflect Up?

Cover for Do Black Patent Leather Shoes Really Reflect Up? album
Album lyrics:
  1. Act 1
  2. Prologue/Get Ready, Eddie 
  3. The Greatest Gift
  4. Little Fat Girls Little Fat Girls Video
  5. It's the Nuns It's the Nuns Video
  6. Cookie Cutters 
  7. Queen of the May
  8. Patron Saints 
  9. Private Parts
  10. How Far Is Too Far? How Far Is Too Far? Video
  11. Act 2
  12. Entr'acte 
  13. Doo-Waa, Doo-Wee Doo-Waa, Doo-Wee Video
  14. I Must Be in Love
  15. Friends, The Best Of 
  16. Greatest Gift (Reprise)
  17. Mad Bomber/We're Saving Ourselves for Marriage
  18. Late Bloomer & Prom Montage Late Bloomer & Prom Montage Video
  19. Friends, The Best Of (Reprise)
  20. Thank God

Friends, The Best Of (Reprise) lyrics

Friends, The Best Of (Reprise)

Becky: I know someday I'll look back on all this
and how we said good-bye with a last kiss and I'll think
of all the times and all the moments we'll never know

Becky/Eddie: But I hope/Well, I guess that
He will know/She's gone and
That I had to/We're through now

That sometimes/I would still
You must do/change her mind
What is sad to.../If I knew how

But at least/Then we'd be
We can be/free to be
Just like/more than
The Best of.../The Best of...

Last Update: June, 10th 2013

> > > Friends, The Best Of (Reprise)
Musical: Do Black Patent Leather Shoes Really Reflect Up?. Song: Friends, The Best Of (Reprise). Broadway musical soundtrack lyrics. Song lyrics from theatre show/film are property & copyright of their owners, provided for educational purposes