Contact synopsis
Contact Synopsis - Broadway musical
This product is not a musical in the classic sense. This is the connection of dance and a certain stage development, which is more like an assembly, just as it was done in a similar musical product called Burn The Floor, where everything was comprised entirely of dancing. For this reason, there were no such thing as libretto for the musical, although it has been performed. Obviously, it was very thin. It may have consisted only from a couple of lines.The idea of the musical is to transmit light and a bit mystical mood of the night, where from nowhere in noisy place or on the large festive street appears a stranger girl, dressed in a lemon-yellow-colored dress. Such an amazing outfit contrasts with the gray-black face of the crowd, being the only bright spot on the body of this gathering. The girl, dressed in a flamboyant clothe, does not disclose her intentions – why is she here and what goals does she pursuit. She's just dancing and mesmerizing all with her presence, her movements, nervous & tense but flamboyant. Perhaps she relieves stress after work, who knows. Some men have expressed a desire to dance with her, but she consistently rejected them all, remaining in the center of attention alone.
After all eyes are on her, she disappears without a trace, no longer appearing this evening, nor on subsequent evenings. While it may be that she comes to visit this place in another form – as an invisible girl, dressed in the same gray or black, like the others, artfully undetected.
Last Update:April, 06th 2016