Burn The Floor synopsis
Burn The Floor Synopsis - Broadway musical
This show is not a musical as such, from a formal point of view. There are almost no songs from protagonists (and those that are, are not sung by them on stage, but pre-recorded) and there is no development of the storyline, as there is no storyline. There is only bright and passionate dancing that captures all the stage time.The play was created as a dance show without focusing on its appearance as a musical. The fact of the presence it on a Broadway does not make this show musical, but for the purpose of reaching the Broadway, some song were added. As for the rest – the passion, emotions, dance and costumes – all of that is here in abundance. Especially dancing. It's a mixture of different styles and genres. Contemporary are little less and classical ballroom dancing – a little more. Passion is 120%.
The show visited many countries, including months of life in the main theater places on the planet – Broadway and West End. It began formally in 1997 and have visited even 50th birthday of Elton John. After completing it on Broadway, the show went in the national tour and to countries, including presentation in 50 US cities.
Throughout the show, its dancers (because they are not actors, but the dancers and the focus of the show is made on the bright dancing) change clothes many times. From the girls in long dresses and the men in suits, till the tight shorts and even bright stage underwear on girls and men dance in some parts with a naked torso.
Last Update:April, 06th 2016