Bernarda Alba videos

Buy Bernarda Alba album
Album lyrics:
  1. Prologue Prologue Video
  2. The Funeral 
  3. On the Day that I Marry/Bernarda's Prayer On the Day that I Marry/Bernarda's Prayer Video
  4. Love, Let Me Sing You 
  5. Let Me Go To The Sea/Magdalena Let Me Go To The Sea/Magdalena Video
  6. Angustias/Amelia/Martirio Angustias/Amelia/Martirio Video
  7. Adela Adela Video
  8. I Will Dream of What I Saw 
  9. Poncia/Limbrada's Daughter Poncia/Limbrada's Daughter Video
  10. One Moorish Girl/The Smallest Stream One Moorish Girl/The Smallest Stream Video
  11. The Mare and the Stallion 
  12. Lullaby/Open the Door Lullaby/Open the Door Video
  13. Finale Finale Video

Bernarda Alba videos

On the Day that I Marry/Bernarda's Prayer
Let Me Go To The Sea/Magdalena
Poncia/Limbrada's Daughter
One Moorish Girl/The Smallest Stream
Lullaby/Open the Door
> > > Bernarda Alba videos
Broadway musical soundtrack lyrics. Song lyrics from theatre show/film are property & copyright of their owners, provided for educational purposes