The Caper lyrics
The Caper
Now, S.S. is Sadie's Store
And S.F. is Sadie's Front
And S.B. is Sadie's Back
And O.S. Operational Site.
Now, T-1 is Telephone One,
Which is to the left in S.B.
And over here are 2 and 3,
Telephone Two and Telephone Three.
Now, Telephone Two and Telephone Three
Are over to the right in front of S.S.
And over to the left of the S.S. and the O.S.
You see?
You do?
Let's review:
S.S., Sadie's Store,
S.B., Sadie's Back,
S.F., Sadie's Front,
O.S., Operational Site,
T-1, Telephone One,
T-2, Telephone Two,
T-3, Telephone Three.
Now, let's go on:
Now, R-1 is Rack One,
Which is to the right in S.F.
And R-2 is Rack Two,
Which is to the left in S.F.
According to Eunice, who is X,
Her O.C., Old Coat, hangs on R-2,
To be replaced by N.C., New Coat,
In the shopping bag, O.K.?
A will appear at 11:45
With B, that's Gert, and pass S.F.
If Sadie, S, is alone in S.F.,
Then they will wait till 11:48
When Harry, H, will telephone S
So that S will leave to answer T-1.
You see?
You do?
Let's review:
S.S., Sadie's Store,
S.B., Sadie's Back,
S.F., Sadie's Front,
O.S., Operational Site,
T-1, Telephone One,
T-2, Telephone Two,
T-3, Telephone Three,
R-1, Rack One,
R-2, Rack Two,
O-C, Old Coat,
N-C, New Coat,
X, Eunice,
A, Ida,
B, Gert,
S, Sadie,
H, Harry.
Now, if at 11:45
When A and B pass S.F.,
They find a customer, that's C,
In S.F., then immediately
B will go to T-2
Or T-3 to telephone H
To hold the T-4, that's Telephone Four,
And wait at O.P., Operational Point,
Until S.S. is cleared, but A
Can telephone S to answer T-1
And they can proceed on the O.S.
With the caper on this diagram here.
You see?
You do?
Let's review:
S.S., Sadie's Store,
S.B., Sadie's Back,
S.F., Sadie's Front,
O.S., Operational Site,
T-1, Telephone One,
T-2, Telephone Two,
T-3, Telephone Three,
R-1, Rack One,
R-2, Rack Two,
O-C, Old Coat,
N-C, New Coat,
X, Eunice,
A, Ida,
B, Gert,
S, Sadie,
H, Harry,
O.P, Operational Point,
T-4, Telephone Four.
So from this diagram right here,
That's the caper, is it clear?
Ready, gentlemen and ladies?
Here we go, on to Sadie's!
Last Update: January, 20th 2014