Take Flight photos

Cover for Take Flight album
Album lyrics:
  1. Act 1
  2. Take Flight 
  3. Equilibrium 
  4. Sky! 
  5. Like You, Say 
  6. Throw It to the Wind 
  7. Pffft! 
  8. Lady in That Aeroplane 
  9. Lady Lindy 
  10. Solo/Sorry, Mr Lindbergh 
  11. What Are We Doing Here? 
  12. Before the Dawn 
  13. Act 2
  14. Back of the Line 
  15. Before the Dawn (reprise) 
  16. The Funniest Thing 
  17. (The Farther You Go) Around the World/Papua 
  18. The Prize/The Landing 
  19. Finale 

Take Flight photos

Take Flight photo #0
Take Flight photo #1
Take Flight photo #2
Take Flight photo #3
Take Flight photo #4
Take Flight photo #5
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Broadway musical soundtrack lyrics. Song lyrics from theatre show/film are property & copyright of their owners, provided for educational purposes