Summer of '42 synopsis

Cover for Summer of '42 album
Album lyrics:
  1. Prelude 
  2. The Summer You'll Always Remember 
  3. The Terrible Trio 
  4. Here and Now 
  5. Will That Ever Happen To Me? 
  6. Winchell report #1 
  7. You're Gonna Miss Me 
  8. Little Did I Dream 
  9. Mr. Sanders #1 
  10. The Walk 
  11. Unfinished Business 
  12. Make You Mine 
  13. Mr. Sanders #2 / Here and Now (Reprise) 
  14. The Drugstore 
  15. The Jitterbug 
  16. The Marshmallow Roast 
  17. The Campfire 
  18. Hermie And Dorothy 
  19. Promise of the Morning 

Summer of '42 synopsis

Summer of '42 Synopsis - Broadway musical

It has been much time since Herman visited the island for the last time. Memories of the summer 1942 flood the old man again. Young Hermie went with his parents on vacation, not knowing that this trip would leave a significant imprint of his life. 15-year-old kid, along with his friends Oscy & Benjie saw a beautiful woman. They found out that it was a couple of newlyweds. The spouse of a stranger was the army officer. Hermie decided that he has never seen anyone more beautiful than this girl. Suddenly, the radio announced – Japanese planes attacked the American base & the country entered World War II. Couple separated as husband was urgently recalled from vacation. A woman, Dorothy, said goodbye to his fiancée Pete on the pier. After a while Oscy & Benjie stipulated Hermie to talk to a lonely woman. When Dorothy drew attention to a teenager, he ran away in embarrassment.

The next time Hermie was bolder. He was waiting for a woman in a grocery store & offered to help a stranger, seeing her heavy bags. But the young man could not start a secular conversation. Back home, Dorothy offered coffee to her assistant. The young man never tried it before, but pretended that he loved a drink. When Hermie left the house of a beauty, he was surrounded by friends, demanding details. Then the teenager realized that he still did not find out the woman's name. Soon, the trio met with the girls of their age & Oscy called them to the movie. Aggie & Miriam agreed, but Gloria refused. Benjie was also confused by the idea of his friend. Rendezvous in the movie did not go so well for Hermie as he wished. On exit from the room, a teenager met Dorothy – she asked him to help her with heavy boxes tomorrow. After the movie, boys & girls agreed to have a picnic on the beach.

The next morning Dorothy invited Hermie in her bedroom. The young man understood everything wrong, but then found out that there were standing boxes that should be transferred to the attic. The young man realized – the beauty of this woman completely captivated him. When Dorothy started to speak about her husband, Hermie became upset. Later, he thought a lot that his new acquaintance often prays for the well-being of Pete. A day of a beach picnic has arrived. Young people have developed a plan to win the girls. Friends of Hermie forced him to go to the store & buy contraceptives. After several agonizing attempts, he managed to fulfill it. Picnic for each pair was different. Oscy achieved desired from Miriam, Benjie led Gloria to ride on the carousel, Hermie kissed Aggie, then she ran away, leaving him alone on the beach dreaming about a young soldier's wife.

When in the early morning the young man returned home, he saw Dorothy on the porch – she wrote a letter to her husband. After talking with Hermie, a woman confessed in her weaknesses & invited him to her at night. Only now the young man was able to find out her name. When the smartly dressed young man was walking forwards Dorothy this evening, Oscy approached him with obscene matters. Hermie was able to resist his friend this time. Approaching the house of a woman, he saw on the porch a telegram & an empty bottle of spirit. Soon, the young man found out that Pete was killed at the war. Dorothy in anguish could not stand it when Hermie expressed his condolences towards her. She tried to forget it all & took the young man into her bedroom. In the morning, she left to the island. Hermie never ever saw her again.
Last Update:July, 13th 2016

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