Side Show synopsis
Side Show Synopsis - Broadway musical
The musical begins when a character named The Boss represents unique creatures of his interludes. Among them: the bearded lady, the Cannibal King, Hashemite Sheikh and the star of his collection – Siamese twins. In parallel to this, musician-beginner Baddy asks Terry, a talented scout of Orpheum Circuit, so he arranged a meeting with the Siamese twins come what may and convinced them to participate in his own show. The Boss often avenges to Baddy when having a bad mood, and that is why a young worker has extra motivation to create really high-quality and outstanding creations. Going to a meeting with potential actresses – Siamese twins – two men did not know that today they celebrated their birthdays.After apologizing for the intrusion on such event without invitation, Terry asked the girls’ names. One is represented as Daisy. The second is Violet. Then scout asked what the twins wanted more than anything. Violet starts, saying that she has always dreamed of a normal life, including the husband, a big house and a loving family. In turn, Daisy seeks fame and fortune. Terry says that he could help the main heroines to make their dreams and desires come true. Next Baddy takes word, telling the girls about his ideas for vaudeville. The young composer promises to provide them with a song that is guaranteed to be a hit, both on stage and beyond it. Before agree to this proposal, the Siamese twins decide to listen to the advice of all their partners in the interludes. The first begins to talk Jake, who plays on the stage Cannibal King.
Two weeks later, the twins finally agree to perform in a production of Baddy and Terry. They reveal to each other that in addition to the creative aspect of the role, their personal interest was also in new acquaintances. Secret debut of The Hilton Sisters gains tremendous success. But, unfortunately, rumors reach the Boss, who threatens the sisters never let them on the stage again. They ask to let them go forever, but he responds with a categorical refusal. Then on Daisy and Violet’s help come Baddy and other artists. They threaten to leave the interludes if the Boss would not let the twins go. The win and the sisters, along with their new friends take a long trip across the country with vaudeville.
The first public performance of The Hilton Sisters ends with triumph. Invited critics do not hold back their admiration. The same can be said of mere spectators. But when the stir goes down a bit, reporters start asking questions about personal life of twins and their relationship with Terry and Baddy. The men deny the existence of a romantic relationship with sisters, which frustrates a bit the latter ones. After all, they have dreamed of such a relationship for a long time.
It takes a certain time and the girls move gradually to the peak of their career. Hilton Sisters are known to every citizen of the country. However, this means that only Daisy was able to realize own dream. Violet is still without a husband, and this fact greatly upsets her. But on one of the Christmas parties all is turned upside down. In an attempt to cheer Violet, Baddy proposes her. A girl is agreed without delay. Atmosphere is heating up with the approach of the wedding, and the protagonists begin to have doubts about the correctness of their decision. The finale of the musical puts everything in its place and demonstrates that the star's career and personal happiness are absolutely incompatible things.
Last Update:July, 13th 2016