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Ruthless! synopsis

Ruthless! is a darkly comedic musical that follows the story of young Tina Denmark, a seemingly sweet and talented girl who dreams of becoming a Broadway star. But behind her innocent façade lies a ruthless and ambitious personality, willing to go to extreme lengths to achieve fame. Tina’s overbearing mother, Judy, is determined to see her daughter in the spotlight, even if it means eliminating her competition. Ruthless! parodies the cutthroat world of show business.

Last Update:October, 24th 2023

Ruthless! Lyrics

  1. Act I
  2. Overture/Prologue
  3. Tina’s Mother
  4. Born to Entertain
  5. Talent
  6. To Play This Part
  7. Teaching Third Grade
  8. Where Tina Gets It From
  9. The Pippi Song
  10. Kisses And Hugs
  11. Teaching Third Grade (Reprise)
  12. Talent (Reprise #1)
  13. I Hate Musicals
  14. Angel Mom
  15. Act II
  16. Entr'acte/Montage
  17. A Penthouse Apartment
  18. It Will Never Be That Way Again
  19. There's More To Life
  20. I Want the Girl
  21. Parents And Children
  22. Ruthless!
  23. Talent (Reprise #2)
  24. Curtain Call

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