Redhead cast

Cover for Redhead album
Album lyrics:
  1. Overture 
  2. The Simpson Sisters 
  3. The Right Finger of My Left Hand 
  4. Just For Once 
  5. I Feel Merely Marvelous 
  6. The Uncle Sam Rag 
  7. Erbie Fitch's Twitch 
  8. She's Not Enough Woman for Me 
  9. Behave Yourself 
  10. Look Who's in Love 
  11. My Girl Is Just Enough Woman for Me 
  12. Dream Dance (Essie's Vision) 
  13. Two Faces in the Dark 
  14. I'm Back in Circulation 
  15. We Loves Ya, Jimey 
  16. Pick-Pocket Tango 
  17. I'll Try 
  18. Chase and Finale 
  19. The Right Finger of My Left Hand

Redhead cast

Redhead Cast - Broadway musical

Music by Albert Hague
Lyrics by Dorothy Fields
Book by Dorothy Fields, Herbert Fields, Sidney Sheldon and David Shaw

Essie Whimple
Tom Baxter
Howard Cavanaugh
Maude Simpson
Sarah Simpson
George Poppett
Inspector White
Ruth LaRue
Last Update:July, 12th 2016

> > > Redhead cast
Broadway musical soundtrack lyrics. Song lyrics from theatre show/film are property & copyright of their owners, provided for educational purposes