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The Lord Don't Rain Down Manna Lyrics > Quilters

The Lord Don't Rain Down Manna Lyrics

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The lord don't rain down manna in my yard
Praise God from whom all blessings flow
The lord don't rain down manna, manna in my yard
Praise him all creatures here below
Praise him above ye heavenly host
(When it rains)
Don't it though
Muddy waters overflow
The lord don't rain, don't rain down manna, it don't rain manna in my yard
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost
Last Update: October, 20th 2014

Quilters Lyrics

  1. Act 1
  2. Pieces of Lives
  3. Rocky Road
  4. Little Babes That Sleep All Night
  5. Thread the Needle
  6. Cornelia
  7. The Windmill Song
  8. Are You Washed in the Blood of the Lamb
  9. The Butterfly
  10. Pieces of Lives (Reprise) 
  11. Green, Green, Green
  12. The Needle's Eye
  13. Act 2
  14. Hoedown
  15. Quiltin' and Dreamin'
  16. Pieces of Lives (Reprise 2) 
  17. Every Log in My House
  18. Land Where We'll Never Grow Old
  19. Who Will Count the Stitches?
  20. The Lord Don't Rain Down Manna
  21. Dandelion
  22. Everything Has a Time
  23. Hands Around

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