People vs. Mona synopsis

Buy People vs. Mona album
Album lyrics:
  1. Act 1
  2. Tippo 
  3. Keep The Frog Pad Alive 
  4. Hear Ye/Who Wears The Robe/Glad Glad Glad-Clerk 
  5. Euple R. Pugh 
  6. Do You 
  7. The Big Meow 
  8. Officer Bell's Turn 
  9. Work With Me 
  10. Lockdown Blues 
  11. Does The Prosecution Rest 
  12. Riverboat Casino Gambling 
  13. Riverboat Casino Gambling (Reprise) 
  14. Act 2
  15. Euple R. Pugh (Reprise) 
  16. Legendary Litigator 
  17. Blind Willy-Blind Willy 
  18. Marching Thru Tippo 
  19. You Done Forgot Your Bible 
  20. Partner 
  21. A Real Defense 
  22. The Confession 
  23. Come On Down To Tippo 

People vs. Mona synopsis

People vs. Mona Synopsis - Broadway musical

Ramona Maria, nicknamed as Mona, was the owner of the amusement place named The Frog Pad. This place was a concentration of musical culture of the small town Tippo. Mona was disliked by many people – they considered her behavior inappropriate. Soon, a young woman married to a wealthy C. C. Katt, who worked in a recording studio as producer. After the first wedding night, a man was found murdered. Police arrested Mona, as many evidences pointed at her. Law officers have suggested that it is the young wife for ten hours was hitting her husband on the head with an electric guitar – the murder weapon found at the crime scene. They also found hidden Mona wedding dress stained by drink, which drank Katt shortly before his death.

The court decided to hold a meeting in The Frog Pad’s building. At the trial headed Judge Ella Jordan. The prosecution was represented by Attorney M. Frye. The woman wanted to blame for the murder Mona and to send her to the electric chair as soon as possible. Frye wanted on the basis of The Frog Pad to build a casino to develop the gambling in the area, but the owner of the club was against it. Prosecutor wasn’t concerned that with the destruction of place in the city will disappear the only site where people could immerse themselves in the music culture. Frye was going in the future to become the new mayor of Tippo town. Therefore, she now was contemplating different ways of development of the city. Defender of Mona became attorney Summerford. The man did not win from Frye a single process – they were engaged.

During interrogation, the suspect made a strange statement. Mona did not feel any sorrow for the death of her husband, but she denied any involvement in his death. One of the witnesses evidenced that during the murder he saw near the building a pink Cadillac. The car belonged to Mona. The lawyer tried to find the true murderer. During the process, it became clear that in Tippo were many people who had a significant motive for the murder of a man. In the process began to open the secrets of a small town. Gradually Summerford and Mona began to feel an attraction to each other. Now a lawyer felt necessity not only to protect his client, but also to realize whom he loves actually. From the sentence also depended the fate of their hometown. People were shocked when they heard the name of the real murderer.
Last Update:July, 06th 2016

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