New Brain, A review
New Brain, A Review - Broadway musical
The history of life of William Finn made it possible to write this unusual piece. Despite the fact that it tells about a man who was in a coma for a long time, the performance evokes only positive emotions and hopes for the better. Re-birth of the author after a major operation allowed him to create music masterpieces, of which he always dreamed. Beautiful melodies and wonderful poetry joined thanks to the talent of William Finn. The optimistic spirit of his compositions allowed the public to understand that the history of Gordon finished finely.Not initially putting the soul in his works for a children's program, the young author was not aware that he was making a big mistake and was living in vain. For whomever you do your job, it should be done using all your talents to perform your best. Just being on the verge of life and death, our hero began to understand how important it is to be sincere towards the audience. And not only that. The fear of death caused him to treat life more serious. The subconscious was able to get through to the author's conscious so he would be able to learn more about own behavior and goals. Do you want to leave after you just a bunch of used phones and various rubbish in your social pages? So did he not. The protagonist realized that he should live a much fuller live and, in addition to cherishing it, he must follow his dreams, as it is the only real life purpose of every conscious person. Thus, his attitude towards everything had changed after the point when he woke up.
Unrestrained need to create music supported Gordon in the most difficult period of his life, standing on the verge between life and death. Incarnated in visions, it did not allow the author to leave the real world. This thirst for creativity literally overwhelmed the young man. And now his creations were beautiful – with the harmony of life felt in them. A young man has realized himself at the Broadway as he always dreamed.
The life story of William Finn once again admitted that a person can be reborn at any age. Critics pointed out that his new works received more soul and were more lyrical, in comparison with his older creations. After a man got rid of cynicism, he was able to create these masterpieces. Many melodies now were distinguished by harmony and softness. The desire to live in him arisen after the struggle and he was re-filled with the desire to create something magnificent and remarkable.
Last Update:May, 31st 2016