They Go Wild, Simply Wild, Over Me lyrics
They Go Wild, Simply Wild, Over Me
To the ladies I was nothing but another pretty face.
I never made first base, with just my pretty face
Until I took a needle and began to make a dress
Eureka! I discovered the secret of success!
They go wild, simply wild over me
I can boast I'm the toast of gay Paree!
The ladies seem to find that a service such as mine
I take them, remake them. It's all too too divine.
Anything I will do for a fee
Each time a bodice I adjust, adding inches to the bust,
They go wild, simply over me.
Although I do not doubt myself, my horn I hate to toot
And though I should be mute, it's obvious I'm a beaut
It's strange how they adore me so,
the French would call it 'fou'!
But what I did for them girls,
I'm here to do for you!
All the girls that you see in Paree
look their best when they're dressed by little me
I fit each frock and frill
and to add an extra thrill
I tease them, I squeeze them.,
It all goes on the bill!
In the US of A, I should be
It's a grand land of opportunity
for when the women buy my clothes
And their men pay through the nose
They go wild simply wild over me!
Last Update: September, 21st 2015