Illya Darling review

Cover for Illya Darling album
Album lyrics:
  1. Act 1
  2. Po, Po, Po 
  3. Dance 
  4. Zebekiko 
  5. Piraeus, My Love 
  6. Golden Land 
  7. Zebekiko (Reprise) 
  8. Love, Love, Love Love, Love, Love Video
  9. I Think She Needs Me 
  10. I'll Never Lay Down Any More 
  11. After Love 
  12. Birthday Song 
  13. Medea Tango 
  14. Illya Darling 
  15. Act 2
  16. Dear Mr. Schubert 
  17. The Lesson 
  18. Never on Sunday 
  19. Piraeus, My Love (Reprise) 
  20. Medea Tango (Reprise) 
  21. Dance 2 
  22. Ya Chara 

Illya Darling review

Illya Darling Review - Broadway musical

If to carp at the plot, then it is possible to find a lot of cons and misunderstandings in it. For example, judging by the story, all prostitutes are very happy with their lives, which is truly far from reality. Secondly, married men constantly spend time in a tavern. It is unclear, where their wives are and why they are in that place all the time. What does Illya feel after the classes with Homer? All these remain unclear.

It is also absolutely unknown, where the action takes place: in the hotel or at Illya's house? The authors don't concretize all these things and, thus, miss many details. But if a viewer is related to the Greek culture and loves everything that is made on the subject of this country, s/he will watch this plain musical with great pleasure. The simplicity of the plot, capricious beauty, romantic experiences and remarkable music – all these components are the main lines of the performance.

At the heart of a plot, there is an aspiration of Homer to re-educate a prostitute named Illya — to direct her to the right path. That is because she is the embodiment of beautiful Hellas for him. But the aspiration of her new fellow doesn't mean anything for her. All young people want to love, to sing, to dance — to live a full life, belonging to today completely!

It is a cheerful musical, filled with jokes and passions. It seems that the wisdom of modern Greeks consists in “living now, living fast” postulate. The Greeks don't plunge into questions of morals and searches of deep meanings. Illya knows the price of the youth and doesn't want to live differently. It’s because her choice has already been made. Why to toil, if being better than you are, means playing a hypocrite? Everybody is different.

As for the music, it turned out to be rather original, because there are some Greek motives in it. They add original parts to all songs and become the distinguishing feature of the show, if this histrionics staged somewhere else, besides of Greece. Dances are also made at a high level. They are filled with passion and experiences. The fragile actress, playing Illya, is very graceful. Of course, there are many erotic scenes in the musical. Therefore, this musical isn't recommended to watch by people of younger age. Most likely, this show will be pleasant for the representatives of that times (1960s) and the fans of Greek culture. In general, the musical has appeared to be quite good, if not to go deeper into the plot – funny and eccentric. But it is better for a viewer to watch the movie at first, because there is a bigger accent on the meaning there.
Last Update:April, 06th 2016

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