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Stars In the Night Lyrics > Harmony

Stars In the Night Lyrics

Look, look at the stars
How brilliant they are

How can they be shining now?
When hope seems so far

Look, look how they shine
These cruelest of stars

What promise inspires them?

What faith is it fires them?

Darkness grows
The world turns cold

And still there glows the light

Heaven knows
What hope they hold tonight

Look, look how they tease
These stars in the night
The darker the night becomes
The brighter their light becomes

Chill winds wail
The tempest brews
And clouds assail the sky
Through the veil
The stars refuse to die

In this world
Of darkest night
Where hope is hurled away
There they are
And still there's light
Oh, so far
But will they
Dare they lift our hearts
As we lift our eyes
Are we fools to see
The hope that gleaming in the skies?
There's a light
Stars in the night
Bum-pa, bum-pa
Last Update: May, 06th 2024

Harmony Lyrics

  1. Act I
  2. Overture
  3. Harmony
  4. And What Do You See?
  5. This Is Our Time
  6. Your Son Is Becoming a Singer
  7. Every Single Day
  8. How Can I Serve You Madam?
  9. The Wedding
  10. Home
  11. Act II
  12. We’re Goin’ Loco!
  13. Hungarian Rhapsody #20
  14. Come To The Fatherland!
  15. Where You Go
  16. In This World
  17. Threnody
  18. Stars In the Night

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