Grind review
Grind Review - Broadway musical
The performance, first and foremost, discloses the problem of racism. Maybe it did not quite, in our opinion, immensely, but it tried to do it with dignity. Not too obviously opened disapproval of infringement of the rights of Afro-American population, is if not the main idea of this musical, but definitely one of such ones. The fed idea does not seem too convincing (maybe the play of actors was fade), and this opinion was shared by the majority of beholders, since the show has managed to perform the absolute box-office failure, and was named as one of the most unprofitable investments of this period.Love line was crumpled, not disclosed until the end and didn’t keep the tension, unlike the actress, who played the role of a stripper (she received several awards for her acting and, despite the failure of the show, it became her springboard). Stunning voice, magnificent grace and charm gave a hell of impression of her. The histrionics was closed, but the talented actress has been able to express herself so vividly, so this allowed her to earn the extremely favorable reviews and a role in other successful productions.
Writers did not forget about the question of friendship, showing in the plot, revealing that the main thing is what kind of person is in front of you, not in what way you desire to look at him or her. The Irishman, binding two camps with own simplicity, blind white male, a stripper and simple fellow-actor. The very fact of their friendship may already seem surprising, if not knowing that they are gathered in the burlesque show under one roof.
The performance was relevant even in 80th years of the past century, when the question of segregation was still sharply-edged in American society, but excessive congestion of small details spoiled the whole story, as for us. Why, for example, the viewer should know that Doyle was once a criminal, who killed own family? Does it add to his charm? Perhaps, of course, they wanted to make a some kind of intrigue – mystery Irishman, as a feature of one of the characters? But did it shallowly and tasteless. Spirit of the Depression was tried to be reflected in the characters, in the circumstances, played out on the stage, but it was flagitious.
Last Update:April, 06th 2016