Brooklyn review
Brooklyn Review - Broadway musical
What is really interesting – not even something that lies within the musical. It is a story that stands behind its creation. That's the interesting thing – a pun in the history of the musical, which is more interesting than the main + the same thing in a musical – the story within the story, more interesting than the cover. In fact, it is not clear why to use such a technique as a story inside of the story, if you develop only one of them. In this case, the first story is just some kind of wrapper, which is not a pity to throw away. But first things first.Firstly, the history of the musical is such. Once upon a time, there were two people who once worked together and wrote music. Since then, 20 years have passed and their lives were spread very far. One of them now – the homeless singer with a bum lifestyle that stands at some street corner of Brooklyn and sells his voice for pittance alms. The second is a woman who deals with her family. They meet at this corner by chance and get to know each other. She invites him to return to his hometown and to live with her, and in return they will work together to create something new. It took them five years to give birth to this musical.
Secondly, there are two plots inside of the musical story. First – how on the same corner somewhere in Brooklyn under the bridge lives a group of homeless singers. The second story begins when these homeless do the staging, which tells about a certain teen singer who comes to New York and climbs to the crest of the wave of success thanks to her vocal data. A fairytale in its purest form. Not burdened with details.
The naked eye can see parallels between the life of one of the founders of the musical and those characters that we meet in the story. However, the development gets only the story about the singer. The first story – about homeless people – as if dissolved in air, when everything passed into the second presentation. That is, we know how the story told will end, but do not understand why the shell fell into static. Actually, why do we, as the audience, had to know about some homeless people? Creators could just start right away with a beautiful fairy tale and musical format would be completely different, sublime, beautiful, more discerning and much more spectacular. And everything would be pink and blossomy.
The main character in the same name as the Brooklyn. Her mother, who hanged herself – was named Faith, in the wake of life’s despair, when she lost her faith, unable to overcome the difficulties. In general, the puns are continuing.
The musical has interesting outfits. A couple of them are made of restrictive yellow tape, enrolled on the body of one of the actresses and cemented for safety with a sticky tape. Even something like a hat made to match – from the same tape. It is, rather, not a dress, but a social parody. And the object of such parodies let everyone invents himself – there are plenty seeds were given to reflect. Why we do not like the musical, despite the presence of unexpected in extravaganza costumes in it, bright & piercing voices of some of main performers, as well as general not dull entourage? Probably, because the events in it are developed by the strict order and it is felt. Clearly planned and rehearsed events occur with heroes, in which guessed either farce, or incredible, fantastic naiveté. For example, when a girl discovers an excellent voice and the next moment she becomes a star, just in few seconds. Yes, of course, we know such a thing as cutting, but this is the inability of actors to convey it. And because of this the audience feels cheated – it sees a stupid, fragmentary story.
Last Update:April, 06th 2016