Cover for Bark! The Musical album
Album lyrics:
  1. Bark! 
  2. Doggie Daycare 
  3. Whizzin' On Stuff Whizzin' On Stuff Video
  4. Three Bitches 
  5. I'm In Love With Lassie 
  6. Hey, You! 
  7. Fooooood 
  8. Terrier From Mars 
  9. Il Cane Dell'Opera 
  10. Howling Just To Scare Away The Blues 
  11. Ruff Ruff World 
  12. Senorita La Pepita Rosarita 
  13. M-U-T-T RAP 
  14. Siren Symphony Siren Symphony Video
  15. The Pound Song 
  16. Dog's Best Friend Dog's Best Friend Video
  17. Sock-a-holic 
  18. Guarding Missy 
  19. Dirty Filthy Old Flea Bag Dirty Filthy Old Flea Bag Video
  20. At The Park At The Park Video
  21. Friends Like Us 
  22. A Grassy Field A Grassy Field Video
  23. Life Should Be Simple 

Bark! The Musical synopsis

Bark! The Musical Synopsis - Broadway musical

The story is told here from the perspective of dogs. Family musical, which is funny, witty, and – as the creators say – makes critics start salivating of how cool it is!

In 2004, two performances were held in parallel – one was in The Coast Playhouse, and the second – in the Center for the Performing Arts. Not novice actors involved in the musical, who gave the family mood for all visitors.

The story is about different dogs – and the brightest images in their lives – from the perspective of six. Labrador retriever telling how he lost his master and cannot find him, and now he is sitting in the shelter, hoping that they could be reunited again. Along the way, we learn quite a funny story about the sad thing – how he was castrated. The second dog – cocker Spaniel – lost his pups when their flock were surrounded by dogcatchers. Bulldog named Golde – jolly-joker, cheers all, carries amusing bone on the neck, and has cynical and realistic looks, which helps him to survive. The fourth dog, French poodle named Chanel, is held by a pair of gays and dresses according to their style – in pink and fur. She loves opera and very loudly sings herself. Fifth – Jack Russell – a very active dog, who seemed to live separately from his constant wagging tail – the kid who does not know how to bark and learns from the other dogs, who tells him. And sixth dog is pit bull, which is very tough, the king of the yard, constantly proving own credibility.
Last Update:April, 06th 2016

> > > Bark! The Musical synopsis
Broadway musical soundtrack lyrics. Song lyrics from theatre show/film are property & copyright of their owners, provided for educational purposes