Ace review

Cover for Ace album
Album lyrics:
  1. In These Skies
  2. Life Can Be Cruel 
  3. It Took This Moment 
  4. Make It From Scratch 
  5. Be My Bride 
  6. Letter From The Front 
  7. The Dogfight 
  8. Soaring Again 
  9. It's Just A Matter Of Time 
  10. I Know It Can Be Done 
  11. Missing Pieces 
  12. Sooner Or Later 
  13. In The Skies (reprise) 
  14. We're The Only Ones 
  15. Seeing Things In A Different Light 
  16. That's That It Should Say 
  17. Finale Sequence 

Ace review

Ace Review - Broadway musical

The plot is quite tensed – something that catches your eye from the very beginning. Looking ahead, we say that if you have not had a chance to get acquainted with the performance of this musical in the years, when it was played on the stage between 2006 and 2008, so now, after another 7 years, you again had such a fantastic opportunity. Because this musical, rethought and rewritten much, was featured in the Judy Bayley Theatre – UNLV. Its start was in August this year, for which all cast were actively preparing, as it was the world’s premiere, August 22nd and 23rd, 2015 (prepared by Nevada Conservatory Theatre, NCT).

The two main actors, who were now invited to the roles of the father and son, are completely different people. One is tall and trim, with a haircut like a clerk or a stock exchange broker on Wall Street, and dressed in an elegant suit. The second is low and with a haircut like the star of the school, the most popular guy, much broader in the shoulders and in general, is a typical "Shawn", which you imagine when someone says that name. While the first one is a typical "David".

Of course, if you did not have time for these only two shows (as it turns out, they do not plan to show any longer) with a very affordable price of USD 30 for 1 ticket, you can only read reviews in the newspapers or Internet. Or to watch some records on YouTube, because even a DVD you cannot buy – there were no records from the show.

In terms of popularity, this musical is rather a normal event on the musical sky than something outstanding, for example, as The Lion King is. Here, the main emphasis on the storyline that for those who come for the first time, seems strong enough. It goes like crossing the three generations and we become spectators of some temporary time funnel, which is revealed to us through diaries of mother, Elizabeth, of a little boy Danny. In the story, now she is dying, but in the past two versions of production, she remained alive, and in the end, they reunited with her son, adding bright colors to what was happening and to strengthen our faith in happy endings. Now, the creators (of which the most influential is only R. Oberacker), decided to go another way, thinking that Thanatos will influence the minds of the audience more, whose heavy hand of fate will fall on one of the heroes. Maybe that's why the story in general, is now more severe and gloomy than in the previous two productions.

Besides of completely updated cast, the creators decided not to delight us with the hope that the audience will see new productions of this action. Therefore, if you missed the time to see this musical 7-9 years ago and a few months ago also, now you will not catch up the missed.
Last Update:April, 06th 2016

> > > Ace review
Broadway musical soundtrack lyrics. Song lyrics from theatre show/film are property & copyright of their owners, provided for educational purposes