9 to 5 synopsis
9 to 5 Synopsis - Broadway musical
A new working day started. Judy went on work for the first time, to the Consolidated Industries. Woman doubted in her abilities, so Violet took patronage over her & explained how to deal with ‘Xerox’. Doralee was preparing to confront the company’s president – Franklin Hart, Jr., who every day pestered his secretary. The woman has realized already that her beauty was an obstacle for her. Soon Violet learned – promotion again went to another employee. A woman was greatly upset with this news, because she helped this man in learning the work. After lunch, Doralee withstood another confrontation with her boss. Angry secretary learned that in the company there were rumors about their alleged common “affairs”. After telling about this defamation to Judy & Violet, a woman found encouragement in the face of her colleagues. Soon, all three began to dream about the death of Franklin Hart, Jr.In the morning, Violet dreamed as she poured the rat poison in the coffee of company's president. The woman told about this to Doralee & Judy. All three went to the hospital, where with relief learnt that Franklin Hart, Jr. hasn’t been there. Roz overheard their conversation in the toilet. Being in love with a president, woman went to the boss & told him that he is wanted to be killed. Hart decided to depict poisoning & to start blackmailing his subordinates. He tried to use the information received to defeat Doralee. Acting on instincts, secretary torn the telephone wires & bound man with them. Women were thinking what to do next to Hart. Violet & Judy decided – president’s prison would be his own house. Having delivered a man there, the employees tied him to a bed. Soon they developed a plan – no one had to notice the disappearance of Jr. Doralee was able to forge a signature of the chief & Violet has decided to take the management of the company into her own hands.
When Roz tried to meet with the president, the women realized that they were on the verge of failure. Judy offered to send her to a long seminar to learn French. After receiving the order, signed by Franklin Hart, Jr., lady in love was very upset. Tied president was forced to watch soap operas on television. When Doralee brought him food, he tried to influence the secretary unsuccessfully. Using the signature of the president, the women have introduced new rules that made life for employees easier. Accountant Joe again admitted Violet his feelings. She finally was able to explain him that she was still tormented by the death of her spouse, although three years have passed since that moment. The man said – a woman should not put on a cross on herself because of this. Violet decided to respond to the feelings of Joe. In the meantime, the former husband of Judy has decided go back to his wife as his mistress left him. The woman rejected Dick, saying that the time has passed when she wanted attention of a spouse.
Franklin Hart, Jr. with Judy taken as a hostage broke in the office in the morning. Women have already found out that he was involved in embezzlement of money. Defeated, they were ready to fulfill the desires of boss when to their office came a CEO of Consolidated. Mr. Tinsworthy listened to both sides of the conflict. Seeing that the positive changes in the company's activities were linked to Violet, he sent Franklin Hart, Jr. to manage the Bolivian branch of the company & appointed a woman to his position. Upset with departure of her idol, Roz turned her attention to Hart’s husband. Later Violet & Joe were married & lived together for 30 years. Doralee became a successful country singer. Enjoying the solitude, Judy wrote a bestseller about a happy life without a husband.
Last Update:August, 19th 2016