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Come Whatever May Lyrics > Scandalous

Come Whatever May Lyrics

Tell me, amy, what do you feel?

My pulse? So?

So, as long as you have a pulse, you have a purpose, amy. Then god will reveal it to you in time.


Oh, believe me, you'll know it when it happens.

When i was but a ladder ten, just this side of a level,
I had so many questions about life and death and heaven,
But then i heard his voice as clear as i hear yours today,
Assuring me that i could trust him, come whatever may.

Wait, you mean you actually heard it? His voice?

Hey, see, none of us can know the nature of the day ahead,
But if we choose to, we can live in fear and doubt and dread,
Or we can choose to follow him every blessed day,
And venture out in faith, believing, come whatever may.

So what did the voice tell you?

To take the gospel to china.

China? But robert, that's all the way across the whole world.

It is, so come with me. I love you, amy. Marry me.

Oh, robert!

Together we can sail headlong to any distant shore,
And whether any gale winds strong and rough,
Scale each wave that's steeping off,
Flail through water steeping off,
To tear down death's own door,
And live forevermore.

What god has put together, let no other tear apart.
The two shall be as one in body, so remind in heart,
So we will choose to follow him every blessed day,
And venture out in faith, believing, come whatever may.

Last Update: May, 08th 2024

Scandalous Lyrics

  1. Act I
  2. Stand Up Lyrics 
  3. Minnie's Prayer
  4. Why Can't I?
  5. He Will Be My Home
  6. Come Whatever May
  7. He Will Be My Home (Reprise)
  8. That Sweet Lass From Cork
  9. Come Whatever May (Reprise)
  10. How Could You?
  11. You Have a Fire
  12. Minnie's Prayer (Reprise) Lyrics 
  13. Follow Me (Part 1)
  14. A Girl's Gotta Do What a Girl's Gotta Do
  15. Follow Me (Part 2)
  16. For Such a Time as This
  17. Act II
  18. Hollywood Aimee
  19. Adam and Eve
  20. Foursquare March Lyrics 
  21. Samson and Delilha
  22. Hollywood Aimee (Reprise) Lyrics 
  23. Moses and Pharaoh
  24. It's Just You
  25. The Coconut Grove Lyrics 
  26. No Other Choice Lyrics 
  27. Lost or Found?
  28. What Does It Profit?
  29. I Have a Fire

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