Rocky Horror Show synopsis
Rocky Horror Show Synopsis - Broadway musical
In the center of the story are two young people Brad and Janet. They are present at the wedding of their friends. Solemn atmosphere and romance in the air causes the protagonists to follow the example of the couple and to engage. But before upcoming wedding, they go on a journey, which main goal is to visit a college professor. In the past, it was thanks to him that Brad and Janet met and started dating. To reduce the way a little, a pair decides to ride through the forest. However, the terrible weather, coupled with poor visibility (they were driving at night) leads to breaking of a car down and there is no way to fix it right there. Brad and Janet decide to walk on foot, because they wouldn’t get help in these area. They see some light in the distance. Coming closer, the characters see a big and slightly sinister castle. Nearby the massive doors, they encounter at Riff-Raff and his sister Magenta. The appearance of the latter ones seriously frightened engaged pair. They were about to walk on, but worsening weather forced them to postpone the departure. Subsequent events that are demonstrated on stage, best described in one word – insanity. Every minute it gains only ascending, with all new paints and destroying conventional frameworks of acceptable behavior. The personification of insanity is best felt in one person – a doctor-transgender from Transylvania named Frank N Furter. He instantly gets interest in unexpected guests and to tell them about his views on the life, owner of the castle sings Sweet Transvestite.Frank takes protagonists in the scientific lab. However, there performed not quite standard experiments. Dr. gets Brad and Janet acquainted with his latest creation – a half-naked muscled blonde named Rocky. To revive him, evil genius used a half of brain from guy used to named Eddie. The main aim, why Rocky was created is to satisfy any sexual requests of local residents, including the owner of the castle. Next, the couple sees Eddie. Even in the absence of half of the brain, he can move and talk. He sings the song ‘Whatever Happened to Saturday Night’, and then Frank deprives him of life. After such terrible and inexplicable events, as if nothing had happened, Brad and Janet led to separate rooms.
Quite expectedly, night wasn’t confined solely to sleeping. The main characters without desire were involved in a dirty game, the initiator of which was transgender doctor. Janet has an affinity with Frank, thinking that next to her was Brad. With the latter, exactly the same situation occurs. Next Rocky comes into play, which, using the clouded mind of a young couple, shows various facets of pleasure and debauchery to them. All this is happening against the background of constant fun. To get out of the castle, the main characters need to recall who they are and what the main purpose of their trip is. The finale of the musical looks as logical conclusion of demonstrated events of spectacle. That is fully consistent with the main events.
Last Update:July, 12th 2016