Rink, The review

Cover for Rink, The album
Album lyrics:
  1. Act 1
  2. Colored Lights
  3. Chief Cook and Bottle Washer Chief Cook and Bottle Washer Video
  4. Don't "Ah Ma" Me Don't "Ah Ma" Me Video
  5. Blue Crystal
  6. Under the Roller Coaster 
  7. Not Enough Magic 
  8. We Can Make It
  9. After All These Years After All These Years Video
  10. Angel's Rink and Social Centre Angel's Rink and Social Centre Video
  11. What Happened to the Old Days? What Happened to the Old Days? Video
  12. Act 2
  13. The Apple Doesn't Fall The Apple Doesn't Fall Video
  14. Marry Me
  15. Mrs. A. 
  16. The Rink 
  17. Wallflower Wallflower Video
  18. All the Children in a Row 
  19. Coda (Finale) 

Rink, The review

Rink, The Review - Broadway musical

Originally, it was a small off-Broadway musical, created by F. Ebb & J. Kander. Screenwriter was A. Innaurato, director – A. Laurents. The project turned out unsuccessful, so the authors invited another writer to create a totally new libretto. They also replaced the director of the play. The brainchild of Terrence McNally was way more successful and advanced musical went into production. For the main roles have been chosen the famous Broadway actresses. The show's creators were not sure in a positive answer of Liza Minnelli, when invited her to be the daughter-hippie. But after learning that in the theatrical will participate Chita Rivera, actress immediately agreed to join the project. As later explained in an interview, Mrs. Minnelli at the age of 13 saw a great acting of this woman and decided to follow her footsteps. For Dolores Conchita Figueroa de Rivero (Chita Rivera) it was a turning point in her career. Due to the role of the mother in the play, she received Drama Desk Award (as an outstanding actress) and Tony (Best Actress).

Broadway’s production caused different reactions from critics. Many of them noted the gloomy atmosphere of the musical, as well as overly dramatic events that happen to its characters. The show's creators have tried to reveal the situation without embellishment, which began to emerge in the late 70's – large gangs of punks, threatening to the safety of people, has become the norm of that time. Critics have also noticed that the product did not have enough music and lyrical intensity. Although this was the hallmark of other productions of these authors. Some reviewers have noticed that the libretto looked quite weighty even without songs present in the show. After the departure of Liza Minnelli from the project, she was replaced by S. Channing. This actress was unable to win the recognition of the audience and the musical was soon removed from the display.
Last Update:July, 12th 2016

> > > Rink, The review
Broadway musical soundtrack lyrics. Song lyrics from theatre show/film are property & copyright of their owners, provided for educational purposes