Little Redwood lyrics
Little Redwood
[Verse 1]
So anyway, the redwoods
Some of you probably already know this
But just stick with me
The redwoods are magnificent, wise, gentle giants
And they're sort of a love letter
A love letter to them
They're a metaphor for resilience
For our ability to survive and live and love
They have three pillars about them
That I adore, that I love
[Verse 2]
First, their root system
They stand as tall as the Statue of Liberty
Thousands of years old, their roots don’t go deep
They go wide, they clasp hands with the other trees
They feed and hold each other up
They send water and nutrients, they kind of talk
This interconnectivity, it's so beautiful
A lesson of unity, a lesson of strength
They thrive, even through fire
Facing tumult, welcoming danger
Even indigenous fires, long ago
Would open their cones, free the resin
Allowing seeds to disperse
They welcome the flames, look it in the eye
[Verse 3]
And my favorite thing, heartwood
The innermost part of the tree
Impervious to disease, impervious to decay
Dead, but the strongest part of the tree
How cool is that, this idea of pain
Of embracing the deep and the hard
Allowing it to make us stronger
Not to control us, but to define our spirit
The redwoods teach us resilience
They teach us to love and survive
They teach us to hold hands, to thrive
To stand tall and strong, with heartwood inside
Last Update: December, 13th 2024