Fanny photos

Cover for Fanny album
Album lyrics:
  1. Act 1
  2. Overture 
  3. Octopus Song 
  4. Restless Heart Restless Heart Video
  5. Never Too Late For Love 
  6. Cold Cream Jar Song 
  7. Why Be Afraid To Dance? 
  8. Shika, Shika 
  9. Welcome Home 
  10. I Like You 
  11. I Have To Tell You I Have To Tell You Video
  12. Fanny 1
  13. Panisse And Son 
  14. Wedding Dance 
  15. Finale Act I 
  16. Act 2
  17. Birthday Song 
  18. To My Wife 
  19. The Thought Of You 
  20. Love Is A Very Light Thing 
  21. Other Hands, Other Hearts 
  22. Montage 
  23. Be Kind To Your Parents

Fanny photos

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Broadway musical soundtrack lyrics. Song lyrics from theatre show/film are property & copyright of their owners, provided for educational purposes